Inside the js folder is a file called script. In the end it has a code to supazoomin and supazoomout. What is the purpose?
/* function supazoomin(){
var supazoom = 1.5;
supazoom = $("#magazine").turn("zoom");
supazoom += 0.5;
$("#magazine").turn("zoom", supazoom);
var img = document.getElementsByClassName('flipbookimg');
for (var i = 0; i < img.length; i++) {
var width = img[i].width;
var width = (width*0.5);
img[i].width += width;
function supazoomout(){
var supazoom = 1.5;
supazoom = $("#magazine").turn("zoom");
if(supazoom <= 1){ return 0;}
supazoom -= 0.5;
$("#magazine").turn("zoom", supazoom);
var img = document.getElementsByClassName('flipbookimg');
for (var i = 0; i < img.length; i++) {
var width = img[i].width;
var width = (width*(1/3));
img[i].width -= width;
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