I have managed to fix this on my site.
I made the following 3 changes:
To take the error popup away follow step 1
1. Edit file: public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/file-away/lib/cls/class.fileaway_management.php
comment line 866
// if(empty($_POST[‘loc_nonce’]) || !fileaway_utility::verify_location_nonce($_POST[‘loc_nonce’],$file,array($rootpath,$chosenpath))) continue;
When you press download, you may not get a file actually downloading. Then perform the next 2 steps
2. Check the permissions on public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/file-away/temp
should be 775 to allow write access to the group
3. Edit file public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/file-away/lib/js/management.js
Update line 300 to add .url to the response as below.
$(‘<iframe src=”‘+response.url+'” id=”fa-bulkdownload” style=”visibility:hidden;” name=”fa-bulkdownload”>’).appendTo(‘body’);
— That should be it —
You should be seeing zip files in the temp directory above. if not check that .zip is enabled in your php extensions (might be available for update from cpanel or plesk). Also if your console shows php Pear, then search for zip and add it.
— I made one final adjustment which you probably do not need. —
I did not want a space in the filename so modified the following.
Line 882: – changed the space to an underscore
$filename = fileaway_utility::stripslashes($prefix).”_”.$time.’.zip’;
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by