• Hi all,

    I am running a self-hosted WordPress site at https://www.opinionatedworld.co.uk

    I am receiving zero notifications from the site whether they’re for user comments or new users etc.

    I also receive nothing from the Contact Form – using the ContactForm7 plugin.

    I receive new post notifications, but they are controlled by Jetpack.

    I have quadruple checked all my settings and made sure I’m using the correct email address. Under users, my email is correct and it is also correct in General settings.

    Under discussion settings, the box is checked for me to receive an email when a new comment is posted and there is no moderation queue.

    I’ve scoured the forums, checked on other sites and looked as hard as I can but can come up with no answers.

    I’d really appreciate some help, it’s got to the stage where I’m missing comments and replying a week later because of it. I’m also concerned that users aren’t receiving notifications of my replies to them.

    Thanks for any help,


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  • Thread Starter sterumbelow


    Thanks for the response, esmi.

    I have changed my email address from the one I was using – a Mac address to a Gmail address and that appears to have fixed it. Hugely annoying, but at least it’s fixed.

    Using Configure SMTP and adding the bit of code to the functions.php file actually made the email appear in my sent box, as well as my inbox and important filter. Odd. With the plugin and code removed, it appears only in my inbox – perfect.

    So, the question is (or rather questions are) why didn’t it work with my Mac address and how come it did before? I moved server around six months ago – I can’t remember whether notifications stopped then or just in the last few weeks.

    Thanks again.

    It could be that the filtering rules on the SMTP server are now blocking Mac addresses. Your hosts would be the best people to ask about this. It’s not uncommon for filtering rules to be constantly tweaked and, sometimes, this does inadvertently create an issue.

    Thread Starter sterumbelow


    I spoke to my hosts – 123-reg. Maybe they’re completely incompetent as it does seem they find it difficult to solve problems that aren’t written down on their sheets.

    They kept talking about DNS servers and name servers, MX records etc and saying it has nothing to do with them. That I should “contact the email provider”. Sigh.

    Did you specifically ask them if they apply filtering rules on their SMTP server?

    Thread Starter sterumbelow


    No, I didn’t. I will do that, just out of interest now.

    It’s your Mac address. I’ve had recent experience of disappeared emails despite setting up proper SPF records and using DKIM. My emails basically come accompanied with a DNA sample to prove their legitimacy yet iCloud seems to arbitrarily block certain senders. This is without the end user having any sort of control.

    Don’t use an iCloud address for anything other than telling your Aunty what you want for Christmas.

    Thread Starter sterumbelow


    I’ve never had a problem with emails not being delivered, WPRanger. And it had worked perfectly for over a year using the same system.

    I’ve been using .Mac, MobileMe and now iCloud since 2004 without problems. I’ve got 30k emails stored, so giving it up is simply not an option.


    Thread Starter sterumbelow


    Here’s something interesting though – I’m not being notified of follow-up posts in this thread, despite checking the box.

    Could it be something to do with the entire WordPress system and iCloud?

    As I said to WPRanger – I’m receiving emails from everything else without problem, yet nothing was coming through from the website, nor is it from here (both WordPress).

    I’m pretty sure they’ve introduced more aggressive filters recently. Some of my clients have had exactly the same problems as you with previously working accounts no longer receiving certain emails. iCloud are really making decisions about what emails you can and can’t receive. Like I say, iCloud is not really a viable option for mission critical communication.

    Thread Starter sterumbelow


    And there’s nothing I can do about that, if indeed it is the problem?

    From the iCloud T&Cs:

    Apple reserves the right at all times to determine whether Content is appropriate and in compliance with this Agreement, and may pre-screen, move, refuse, modify and/or remove Content at any time, without prior notice and in its sole discretion,

    I wouldn’t touch an iCloud address with longest of barge poles.

    Thread Starter sterumbelow


    Interesting information, thanks WPRanger – it’s something I’ll have to think about if that’s the case.

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