I’ve already replied to Hugh on this, but not sure why it didn’t make it in this particular forum page. So, Hugh hit me back with the suggestion about making the change noted in the original support document on SSP’s site, where if you are using a caching plugin. I made the two line changes as suggested, but I did that months ago and it didn’t work then…needless to say, after reinstalling the SSP plugin and making that change again – it still didn’t work.
Ultimately, what I wound up doing was uninstalling W3C Cache altogether, thereby stripping my WordPress site of any caching capabilities. However, once I did that ALL of my podcasts started downloading with no issues…across all devices and any browser. VIOLA! Just like that. So, for now I just run my site without a caching plugin – just so that I can have downloadable podcasts.
This is NOT ideal, of course. It would be better to have SSP working with W3C Cache, or recommend a site caching plugin that won’t buckle under weight of SSP. ??