Zensor WorkFlow Modfications
Hi All WordPress Lovers,
I would like to ask a help about Zensor which is a plugin
that you publish a post then a moderator approves the post to be published on the wordpress blog site.When a post is awating for approval, each awaiting post is appearing “waiting moderation”. But, I dont want any link appears before moderator approval.
Actually I found the joing sentence below;
1- Must be added to the end of JOIN part of any query:
LEFT JOIN wp_zensor ON ID = wp_zensor.post_id
2- Must be added to the end of WHERE condition :
AND wp_zensor.moderation_status = 'approved'
Could you please show me; where should I add these modification on the category link presentation below:
<h2>Politics</h2> <?php $recent = new WP_Query("cat=31&showposts=1"); while($recent->have_posts()) : $recent->the_post();?> <b><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></b> <?php the_content_limit(140, "devam? »"); ?> <div class="hppostmeta"> <p><?php the_time('j F Y, H:i'); ?> | <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?></p> </div> <?php endwhile; ?>
Or any general solutions will be welcomed.
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