That post is what I’m trying to do!
The fade is at the bottom of the div that ends at the bottom of that section/page, part of the page structure.
<p>hello I’m talking about random stuff. who knows what on earth is going on.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec aliquam lorem sem. Nunc interdum dolor non volutpat tincidunt. Nulla blandit arcu at tristique vehicula. Suspendisse potenti. Donec suscipit mi pharetra, tempor ex ac, convallis odio. Aliquam urna odio, hendrerit ac maximus sit amet, tincidunt vel sapien. Aliquam tempus mi luctus magna tincidunt fringilla.</p>
<p>Pellentesque condimentum, mi nec bibendum viverra, odio dolor ornare ipsum, eu dictum arcu nunc sit amet nisi. Aliquam a lorem nec neque finibus tempor et lobortis enim. Fusce vel sem id nunc efficitur iaculis ut ac nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent cursus sed est et auctor. Suspendisse eu fringilla erat. Etiam elementum augue eros, ut tempor turpis lobortis non. Donec egestas turpis sed enim rhoncus, non dictum lacus consectetur. Etiam ultrices semper purus eget gravida. Vestibulum dignissim efficitur libero at lobortis. Vestibulum vitae scelerisque sapien. Integer libero massa, efficitur at laoreet in, semper sit amet libero. Aenean vitae faucibus turpis. Aenean congue lorem a enim interdum tempor. Nulla eget sem eget mi ultrices dictum non vitae neque.</p>
<p><span id="bottom_fade"><br />
<p></br><br />
</br><br />
</br><br />
<div class="topleveltext">
<p style="text-align: center;"><input type="hidden" id="scrollonclose-id3851" name="auto"/><h4 class="collapseomatic noarrow scroll-to-trigger" id="id3851" tabindex="" title="Tell me more about you and your photography Tom">Tell me more about you and your photography Tom</h4><h4 id='swap-id3851' alt='' class='colomat-swap' style='display:none;'>tl;dr You're a photographer, show me the photos</h4><div id="target-id3851" class="collapseomatic_content ">
<p style="text-align: center;">hello I’m talking about randomness. who knows what on earth is going on.
<p style="text-align: center;"></div>
<!-- Container -->
the span contains the gradient and is then followed by the expand shortcode. I want the expansion to always be on top of this span but every piece of css and shortcode has failed.
I’ve tried putting the entire code inside a separate div with the only class property being its z-index as a last resort but it didn’t work.