I can’t reproduce this. It works as expected, no matter what I’ve tried in order to make it fail. There has to be a common denominator here somewhere. See the other thread:
I don’t want to jump on a band-aid fix without knowing what is actually causing this in the first place. While adding a z-index to the ID may work, it hasn’t been a problem previously. Sticking something in there that “fixes” the current problem is asking for trouble later on.
AND I don’t want to add anything unnecessary into the 6 files that modify #adminmenuwrap if this is a one-off. Being prudent, I keep all of my WP installs updated (a couple are one or two versions back — but that’s it), so don’t have old versions back to 3.2 hanging around just to test on.
Seems as if it’s a 3.5.1 issue, with perhaps some complications of themes or other plugins thrown in; just for good measure. No reports of this have come in previously, so this appears to be the case. I’ve looked through the core files and there’s nothing there that would indicate an issue.
Perhaps you and RJKJR could correlate on your environments to see if anything sticks out as a common? This is an obvious anomaly that would prompt more bug reports than the two that have been provided, so there’s got to be something that needs discovering.
Thanks to you both.