• Please note that YouTube Channel v3 (YTC) is free (as in beer) plugin developed by my self, so there is no support team to monitor all questions 24/7 and feedback w/o delay (by support forum, plugin website or email). So, have a patience before you start to yelling about bad support and bumping threads/email on hourly/daily basis.

    Also, please understand that I don’t have access to premium/paid themes and plugins all around the world, so there will always be clashes between YTC and some other theme/plugin.

    Before you start new support thread (preferred way to ask for support), or contact me by email/contact form, make sure that you read Description, Installation and FAQ sections.

    Then, and only then, if you did not solved issue you experienced with YTC, provide at least:

    1. URL of your website where you use or tied to use YTC
    2. Version of WordPress you use
    3. Version of YTC with which you experienced problem
    4. Are you using some caching plugin, CDN or CloudFlare
    5. What type of YouTube Data API Key you made (Browser or Server) and do you set some restrictions for that key
    6. How you implemented/inserted YTC to website
    • by shortcode – provide exact shortcode syntax you use, and where you put shortcode (text widget, page, post, visual page builder, etc)
    • by widget – in which widget area you put widget (left/right sidebar, footer, etc), and provide JSON configuration file (look at the bottom of widget configuration dialog, you’ll find link to generate JSON file for that widget)
    • Describe how YTC stop to work – if you get some error message, take a screenshot
    • If video playback does not work as you expect, or YTC block does not look as you expect, describe what you expecting and did you configured general plugin settings

      Thank you for understanding,
      Aleksandar Uro?evi? (Urke)
      developer of YouTube Channel plugin

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