• Resolved xcflyer



    Nice plugin. But it looks like my custom javascript breaks your code.

    JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 jquery-migrate.min.js:2:552
    jQuery.Deferred exception: $(...).stickThis is not a function @https://3dairspace.org.uk/wp-content/plugins/sticky-menu-or-anything-on-scroll/assets/js/stickThis.js?ver=2.1.1:10:37
     undefined jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2:31008
    TypeError: $(...).stickThis is not a function stickThis.js:10:37
        <anonymous> https://3dairspace.org.uk/wp-content/plugins/sticky-menu-or-anything-on-scroll/assets/js/stickThis.js?ver=2.1.1:10
        jQuery 2

    My shortcode:-

    add_shortcode('show_map', function() {?>
    	<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="<?php bloginfo('url');?>/map/jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3/jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3.css"/>
    	<script src="<?php bloginfo('url');?>/map/assets/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script>
    	<script src="<?php bloginfo('url');?>/map/jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3/jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3.min.js"></script>
    	<script src="<?php bloginfo('url');?>/map/jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3/jquery-jvectormap-world-mill.js"></script>
    	python converter.py /
    	--where "ne_10m_adm!='ATA'" /
    	--width 5000 --country_name_index 23 /
    	--country_code_index 8 /
    	--name world /
    	--simplify_tolerance 0.1 /
    	--projection mill /
    	ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp world_mill_map.js
    	<script src="<?php bloginfo('url');?>/map/assets/world_mill_map.js"></script>
    		$(function() {
    			function loadXMLData(file) {
    				// Load download file data
    					type: "GET",
    					url: "<?php bloginfo('url');?>/map/" + file,
    					dataType: "xml",
    					success: function(data) {
    						xmlDoc = data;
    					error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    						alert("File not found!");
    			function resetMap() {
    				map.scale = map.baseScale;
    				map.transX = map.baseTransX;
    				map.transY = map.baseTransY;
    			function getFile(code) {
    				var country = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('country');
    				for (i = 0; i < country.length; i++) {
    					if (country[i].getAttribute('id') == code) {
    						var child = country[i].childNodes;
    						for (c = 0; c < child.length; c++) {
    							if (child[c].nodeName == 'name') {
    								var name = child[c].firstChild.nodeValue;
    							else if ((child[c].nodeName == 'url') && child[c].firstChild) {
    								var url = child[c].firstChild.nodeValue;
    							if ((name !== undefined) && (url !== undefined)) {
    				var region = map.getRegionName(code);
    				if (url !== undefined) {
    						type: "GET",
    						url: "<?php bloginfo('url');?>/" + url,
    						success: function(){
    							window.location.href = "<?php bloginfo('url');?>/" + url;
    						error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    							setTimeout(function() {alert("File not found for: " + region);}, 500);
    				else {
    					alert('No data for: ' + region);
    			$('#selected').change(function(event) {
    				var code = $(this).val();
    				if (code) {
    					map.setFocus({region: code, animate: true});
    			$('#type').change(function(event) {
    				var file = "";
    				$("#type option:selected").each(function () {
    					file = $(this).val();
    			$('#reset').click(function() {
    			var map = new jvm.Map({
    				container: $('#map1'),
    				map: 'world_mill',
    				zoomAnimate: 'true',
    				backgroundColor: '#ABDCF5',
    				focusOn: {
    					x: 0.5,
    					y: 0.5,
    					scale: 0
    				onRegionClick: function(event, code) {
    					map.setFocus({region: code, animate: true});
    				regionsSelectable: true,
    				regionStyle: {
    					selected: {
    						fill: 'green'
    				onRegionTipShow: function(event, label, code) {
    					var country = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('country');
    					for (i = 0; i < country.length; i++) {
    						if (country[i].getAttribute('id') == code) {
    							var child = country[i].childNodes;
    							for (c = 0; c < child.length; c++) {
    								if ((child[c].nodeName == 'updated') && child[c].firstChild) {
    									var updated = child[c].firstChild.nodeValue;
    					label.html(label.html() + '<br>' + 'Updated: ' + (updated === undefined ? 'unavailable' : updated));
    				series: {
    					regions: [{
    						scale: ['#E4C19E', '#58DB60'],
    						normalizeFunction: 'polynomial',
    						values: {
    							"AF": 16.63,
    							"AL": 11.58,
    							"DZ": 158.97,
    							"AO": 85.81,
    							"AG": 1.1,
    							"AR": 351.02,
    							"AM": 8.83,
    							"AU": 1219.72,
    							"AT": 366.26,
    							"AZ": 52.17,
    							"BS": 7.54,
    							"BH": 21.73,
    							"BD": 105.4,
    							"BB": 3.96,
    							"BY": 52.89,
    							"BE": 461.33,
    							"BZ": 1.43,
    							"BJ": 6.49,
    							"BT": 1.4,
    							"BO": 19.18,
    							"BA": 16.2,
    							"BW": 12.5,
    							"BR": 2023.53,
    							"BN": 11.96,
    							"BG": 44.84,
    							"BF": 8.67,
    							"BI": 1.47,
    							"KH": 11.36,
    							"KP": 13.95,
    							"CM": 21.88,
    							"CA": 1563.66,
    							"CV": 1.57,
    							"CF": 2.11,
    							"TD": 7.59,
    							"CL": 199.18,
    							"CN": 5745.13,
    							"CO": 283.11,
    							"CU": 64.3,
    							"KM": 0.56,
    							"CD": 12.6,
    							"CG": 11.88,
    							"CR": 35.02,
    							"CI": 22.38,
    							"HR": 59.92,
    							"CY": 22.75,
    							"CZ": 195.23,
    							"DK": 304.56,
    							"DJ": 1.14,
    							"DM": 0.38,
    							"DO": 50.87,
    							"EC": 61.49,
    							"EG": 216.83,
    							"EH": 5.36,
    							"SV": 21.8,
    							"GQ": 14.55,
    							"ER": 2.25,
    							"EE": 19.22,
    							"ET": 30.94,
    							"FJ": 3.15,
    							"FI": 231.98,
    							"FR": 2555.44,
    							"GA": 12.56,
    							"GM": 1.04,
    							"GE": 11.23,
    							"DE": 3305.9,
    							"GH": 18.06,
    							"GR": 305.01,
    							"GD": 0.65,
    							"GT": 40.77,
    							"GN": 4.34,
    							"GW": 0.83,
    							"GY": 2.2,
    							"HT": 6.5,
    							"HN": 15.34,
    							"HK": 226.49,
    							"HU": 132.28,
    							"IS": 12.77,
    							"IN": 1430.02,
    							"ID": 695.06,
    							"IR": 337.9,
    							"IQ": 84.14,
    							"IE": 204.14,
    							"IL": 201.25,
    							"IT": 2036.69,
    							"JM": 13.74,
    							"JP": 5390.9,
    							"JO": 27.13,
    							"KZ": 129.76,
    							"KE": 32.42,
    							"KI": 0.15,
    							"KR": 986.26,
    							"KW": 117.32,
    							"KG": 4.44,
    							"LA": 6.34,
    							"LV": 23.39,
    							"LB": 39.15,
    							"LS": 1.8,
    							"LR": 0.98,
    							"LY": 77.91,
    							"LT": 35.73,
    							"LU": 52.43,
    							"MK": 9.58,
    							"MG": 8.33,
    							"MW": 5.04,
    							"MY": 218.95,
    							"MV": 1.43,
    							"ML": 9.08,
    							"MT": 7.8,
    							"MR": 3.49,
    							"MU": 9.43,
    							"MX": 1004.04,
    							"MD": 5.36,
    							"MN": 5.81,
    							"ME": 3.88,
    							"MA": 91.7,
    							"MZ": 10.21,
    							"MM": 35.65,
    							"NA": 11.45,
    							"NC": 10.1,
    							"NP": 15.11,
    							"NL": 770.31,
    							"NZ": 138,
    							"NI": 6.38,
    							"NE": 5.6,
    							"NG": 206.66,
    							"NO": 413.51,
    							"OM": 53.78,
    							"PK": 174.79,
    							"PA": 27.2,
    							"PG": 8.81,
    							"PY": 17.17,
    							"PE": 153.55,
    							"PH": 189.06,
    							"PL": 438.88,
    							"PR": 98.83,
    							"PT": 223.7,
    							"QA": 126.52,
    							"RO": 158.39,
    							"RU": 1476.91,
    							"RW": 5.69,
    							"WS": 0.55,
    							"ST": 0.19,
    							"SA": 434.44,
    							"SN": 12.66,
    							"RS": 38.92,
    							"SC": 0.92,
    							"SL": 1.9,
    							"SG": 217.38,
    							"SK": 86.26,
    							"SI": 46.44,
    							"SB": 0.67,
    							"ZA": 354.41,
    							"ES": 1374.78,
    							"LK": 48.24,
    							"KN": 0.56,
    							"LC": 1,
    							"VC": 0.58,
    							"SD": 65.93,
    							"SR": 3.3,
    							"SZ": 3.17,
    							"SE": 444.59,
    							"CH": 522.44,
    							"SY": 59.63,
    							"SS": 65.63,
    							"TW": 426.98,
    							"TJ": 5.58,
    							"TZ": 22.43,
    							"TH": 312.61,
    							"TL": 0.62,
    							"TG": 3.07,
    							"TO": 0.3,
    							"TT": 21.2,
    							"TN": 43.86,
    							"TR": 729.05,
    							"TM": 0,
    							"UG": 17.12,
    							"UA": 136.56,
    							"AE": 239.65,
    							"GB": 2258.57,
    							"US": 14624.18,
    							"UY": 40.71,
    							"UZ": 37.72,
    							"VU": 0.72,
    							"VE": 285.21,
    							"VN": 101.99,
    							"YE": 30.02,
    							"XK": 5.83,
    							"XS": 1.06,
    							"ZM": 15.69,
    							"ZW": 5.57
    			// Add regions (contries) to selection
    			$.each(map.regions, function(code) {
    				var region = map.getRegionName(code);
    				$('#selected').append($("<option></option>").attr("value", code).text(region)); 
    			// Sort selection
    			$('#selected').append($('#selected option').sort(function(a, b) {
    				if (a.innerHTML == 'Zoom to Country:') {
    					return -1;
    				else if (a.innerHTML == 'NA') {
    					return 1;   
    				else if (b.innerHTML == 'NA') {
    					return -1;   
    				return (a.innerHTML > b.innerHTML) ? 1 : -1;
    			// Select 'Zoom to Country:'
    			$('#selected option')[0].selected = true;
    	<div id="map1" style="width:100%; height:500px"></div>
    	<p style="text-align: center">
    		<span class="custom-dropdown custom-dropdown--white">
    			<button class="custom_font--white" id="reset">Reset</button>
    			<select class="custom-dropdown__select custom-dropdown__select--emerald" id="type">
    				<option value="world_sua.xml">SUA</option>
    				<option value="world.xml">DAFIF</option>
    			<select class="custom-dropdown__select custom-dropdown__select--emerald" id="selected">
    				<option value="">Zoom to Country:</option>
    <?php } );
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by xcflyer.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • This error usually appears when you load the jQuery library more than once.

    Make sure your page loads the library only once, and that should be get you started.

    Also, please note that we can only support the plugin “as-is” — any custom code (either to the plugin or your own code) is not something we can help with.

    Thread Starter xcflyer


    Thanks for your quick response and a pointer to the problem.
    I have modified my custom code, removing the JQuery library and conflicts with anonymous functions. ??

    Thanks again.

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • The topic ‘TypeError: $(…).stickThis is not a function’ is closed to new replies.