TypeError: $(…).stickThis is not a function
Nice plugin. But it looks like my custom javascript breaks your code.
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 jquery-migrate.min.js:2:552 jQuery.Deferred exception: $(...).stickThis is not a function @https://3dairspace.org.uk/wp-content/plugins/sticky-menu-or-anything-on-scroll/assets/js/stickThis.js?ver=2.1.1:10:37 e@https://3dairspace.org.uk/map/assets/jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2:29453 l/</t<@https://3dairspace.org.uk/map/assets/jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2:29755 undefined jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2:31008 TypeError: $(...).stickThis is not a function stickThis.js:10:37 <anonymous> https://3dairspace.org.uk/wp-content/plugins/sticky-menu-or-anything-on-scroll/assets/js/stickThis.js?ver=2.1.1:10 jQuery 2
My shortcode:-
add_shortcode('show_map', function() {?> <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="<?php bloginfo('url');?>/map/jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3/jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3.css"/> <script src="<?php bloginfo('url');?>/map/assets/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script> <script src="<?php bloginfo('url');?>/map/jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3/jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3.min.js"></script> <script src="<?php bloginfo('url');?>/map/jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3/jquery-jvectormap-world-mill.js"></script> <!-- python converter.py / --where "ne_10m_adm!='ATA'" / --width 5000 --country_name_index 23 / --country_code_index 8 / --name world / --simplify_tolerance 0.1 / --projection mill / ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp world_mill_map.js <script src="<?php bloginfo('url');?>/map/assets/world_mill_map.js"></script> --> <script> $(function() { function loadXMLData(file) { // Load download file data $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "<?php bloginfo('url');?>/map/" + file, dataType: "xml", success: function(data) { xmlDoc = data; }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert("File not found!"); } }); } function resetMap() { map.clearSelectedRegions(); map.scale = map.baseScale; map.transX = map.baseTransX; map.transY = map.baseTransY; map.applyTransform(); } function getFile(code) { var country = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('country'); for (i = 0; i < country.length; i++) { if (country[i].getAttribute('id') == code) { var child = country[i].childNodes; for (c = 0; c < child.length; c++) { if (child[c].nodeName == 'name') { var name = child[c].firstChild.nodeValue; } else if ((child[c].nodeName == 'url') && child[c].firstChild) { var url = child[c].firstChild.nodeValue; } if ((name !== undefined) && (url !== undefined)) { break; } } break; } } var region = map.getRegionName(code); if (url !== undefined) { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "<?php bloginfo('url');?>/" + url, success: function(){ window.location.href = "<?php bloginfo('url');?>/" + url; }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { setTimeout(function() {alert("File not found for: " + region);}, 500); } }); } else { alert('No data for: ' + region); } } $('#selected').change(function(event) { var code = $(this).val(); if (code) { map.clearSelectedRegions(); map.setFocus({region: code, animate: true}); map.setSelectedRegions(code); getFile(code); } }); $('#type').change(function(event) { var file = ""; $("#type option:selected").each(function () { file = $(this).val(); }); resetMap(); loadXMLData(file); }); $('#reset').click(function() { resetMap(); }); var map = new jvm.Map({ container: $('#map1'), map: 'world_mill', zoomAnimate: 'true', backgroundColor: '#ABDCF5', focusOn: { x: 0.5, y: 0.5, scale: 0 }, onRegionClick: function(event, code) { map.clearSelectedRegions(); map.setFocus({region: code, animate: true}); getFile(code); }, regionsSelectable: true, regionStyle: { selected: { fill: 'green' } }, onRegionTipShow: function(event, label, code) { var country = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('country'); for (i = 0; i < country.length; i++) { if (country[i].getAttribute('id') == code) { var child = country[i].childNodes; for (c = 0; c < child.length; c++) { if ((child[c].nodeName == 'updated') && child[c].firstChild) { var updated = child[c].firstChild.nodeValue; } } break; } } label.html(label.html() + '<br>' + 'Updated: ' + (updated === undefined ? 'unavailable' : updated)); }, series: { regions: [{ scale: ['#E4C19E', '#58DB60'], normalizeFunction: 'polynomial', values: { "AF": 16.63, "AL": 11.58, "DZ": 158.97, "AO": 85.81, "AG": 1.1, "AR": 351.02, "AM": 8.83, "AU": 1219.72, "AT": 366.26, "AZ": 52.17, "BS": 7.54, "BH": 21.73, "BD": 105.4, "BB": 3.96, "BY": 52.89, "BE": 461.33, "BZ": 1.43, "BJ": 6.49, "BT": 1.4, "BO": 19.18, "BA": 16.2, "BW": 12.5, "BR": 2023.53, "BN": 11.96, "BG": 44.84, "BF": 8.67, "BI": 1.47, "KH": 11.36, "KP": 13.95, "CM": 21.88, "CA": 1563.66, "CV": 1.57, "CF": 2.11, "TD": 7.59, "CL": 199.18, "CN": 5745.13, "CO": 283.11, "CU": 64.3, "KM": 0.56, "CD": 12.6, "CG": 11.88, "CR": 35.02, "CI": 22.38, "HR": 59.92, "CY": 22.75, "CZ": 195.23, "DK": 304.56, "DJ": 1.14, "DM": 0.38, "DO": 50.87, "EC": 61.49, "EG": 216.83, "EH": 5.36, "SV": 21.8, "GQ": 14.55, "ER": 2.25, "EE": 19.22, "ET": 30.94, "FJ": 3.15, "FI": 231.98, "FR": 2555.44, "GA": 12.56, "GM": 1.04, "GE": 11.23, "DE": 3305.9, "GH": 18.06, "GR": 305.01, "GD": 0.65, "GT": 40.77, "GN": 4.34, "GW": 0.83, "GY": 2.2, "HT": 6.5, "HN": 15.34, "HK": 226.49, "HU": 132.28, "IS": 12.77, "IN": 1430.02, "ID": 695.06, "IR": 337.9, "IQ": 84.14, "IE": 204.14, "IL": 201.25, "IT": 2036.69, "JM": 13.74, "JP": 5390.9, "JO": 27.13, "KZ": 129.76, "KE": 32.42, "KI": 0.15, "KR": 986.26, "KW": 117.32, "KG": 4.44, "LA": 6.34, "LV": 23.39, "LB": 39.15, "LS": 1.8, "LR": 0.98, "LY": 77.91, "LT": 35.73, "LU": 52.43, "MK": 9.58, "MG": 8.33, "MW": 5.04, "MY": 218.95, "MV": 1.43, "ML": 9.08, "MT": 7.8, "MR": 3.49, "MU": 9.43, "MX": 1004.04, "MD": 5.36, "MN": 5.81, "ME": 3.88, "MA": 91.7, "MZ": 10.21, "MM": 35.65, "NA": 11.45, "NC": 10.1, "NP": 15.11, "NL": 770.31, "NZ": 138, "NI": 6.38, "NE": 5.6, "NG": 206.66, "NO": 413.51, "OM": 53.78, "PK": 174.79, "PA": 27.2, "PG": 8.81, "PY": 17.17, "PE": 153.55, "PH": 189.06, "PL": 438.88, "PR": 98.83, "PT": 223.7, "QA": 126.52, "RO": 158.39, "RU": 1476.91, "RW": 5.69, "WS": 0.55, "ST": 0.19, "SA": 434.44, "SN": 12.66, "RS": 38.92, "SC": 0.92, "SL": 1.9, "SG": 217.38, "SK": 86.26, "SI": 46.44, "SB": 0.67, "ZA": 354.41, "ES": 1374.78, "LK": 48.24, "KN": 0.56, "LC": 1, "VC": 0.58, "SD": 65.93, "SR": 3.3, "SZ": 3.17, "SE": 444.59, "CH": 522.44, "SY": 59.63, "SS": 65.63, "SO":1.06, "TW": 426.98, "TJ": 5.58, "TZ": 22.43, "TH": 312.61, "TL": 0.62, "TG": 3.07, "TO": 0.3, "TT": 21.2, "TN": 43.86, "TR": 729.05, "TM": 0, "UG": 17.12, "UA": 136.56, "AE": 239.65, "GB": 2258.57, "US": 14624.18, "UY": 40.71, "UZ": 37.72, "VU": 0.72, "VE": 285.21, "VN": 101.99, "YE": 30.02, "XK": 5.83, "XS": 1.06, "ZM": 15.69, "ZW": 5.57 } }] } }); loadXMLData("world_sua.xml"); // Add regions (contries) to selection $.each(map.regions, function(code) { var region = map.getRegionName(code); $('#selected').append($("<option></option>").attr("value", code).text(region)); }); // Sort selection $('#selected').append($('#selected option').sort(function(a, b) { if (a.innerHTML == 'Zoom to Country:') { return -1; } else if (a.innerHTML == 'NA') { return 1; } else if (b.innerHTML == 'NA') { return -1; } return (a.innerHTML > b.innerHTML) ? 1 : -1; })); // Select 'Zoom to Country:' $('#selected option')[0].selected = true; }) </script> <div id="map1" style="width:100%; height:500px"></div> <p style="text-align: center"> <span class="custom-dropdown custom-dropdown--white"> <button class="custom_font--white" id="reset">Reset</button> <select class="custom-dropdown__select custom-dropdown__select--emerald" id="type"> <option value="world_sua.xml">SUA</option> <option value="world.xml">DAFIF</option> </select> <select class="custom-dropdown__select custom-dropdown__select--emerald" id="selected"> <option value="">Zoom to Country:</option> </select> </span> </p> <?php } );
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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