Youtube / Vimeo videos?
Is there a way to get Youtube and Vimeo videos to load in Apples News? Most of the posts on my site have a video in them. I was approved for Apple News and it’s loading great, just not showing the Youtube or Vimeo videos. Was curious if there was a way to get those to show up?
{"version":"1.1","identifier":"post-1152","language":"en","title":"Drag me to Hell","documentStyle":{"backgroundColor":"#FFFFFF"},"layout":{"columns":7,"width":1024,"margin":100,"gutter":20},"components":[{"role":"title","text":"Drag me to Hell","textStyle":"default-title"},{"role":"container","layout":"headerContainerLayout","style":{"fill":{"type":"image","URL":"bundle:\/\/drag-me-to-hell.jpg","fillMode":"cover"}},"behavior":{"type":"background_parallax"}},{"role":"byline","text":"by Ron Jacobsohn | May 29, 2009 | 12:00 AM","textStyle":"default-byline","layout":"byline-layout"},{"role":"heading1","text":"Drag Me To Hell Red Carpet Premiere","format":"markdown","textStyle":"default-heading-1","layout":"heading-layout"},{"role":"body","text":"In a climate where banks manage to make some peoples lives hell, it was only a matter of time that a horror flick will come along to take advantage of this situation. Spiderman\u2019s Sam Raimi, wrote and directed it and admits although it does seem very timely, he actually wrote this years ago.","format":"markdown","textStyle":"dropcapBodyStyle","layout":"body-layout"},{"role":"embedwebvideo","aspectRatio":1.777,"URL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/GX6Zdlv7HTo"}],"componentTextStyles":{"default-heading-1":{"fontName":"AvenirNext-Bold","fontSize":48,"lineHeight":52,"textColor":"#000000","textAlignment":"left"},"dropcapBodyStyle":{"textAlignment":"left","fontName":"AvenirNext-Regular","fontSize":18,"lineHeight":24,"textColor":"#000000","linkStyle":{"textColor":"#428bca"},"dropCapStyle":{"numberOfLines":2,"numberOfCharacters":1,"fontName":"Georgia-Bold","textColor":"#000000"}},"default-title":{"fontName":"AvenirNext-Bold","fontSize":48,"lineHeight":52,"textColor":"#000000","textAlignment":"left"},"default-byline":{"textAlignment":"left","fontName":"AvenirNext-Medium","fontSize":17,"textColor":"#53585f"}},"componentLayouts":{"heading-layout":{"columnStart":0,"columnSpan":7,"margin":{"top":15,"bottom":15}},"body-layout":{"columnStart":0,"columnSpan":5,"margin":{"top":25,"bottom":25}},"headerContainerLayout":{"columnStart":0,"columnSpan":7,"ignoreDocumentMargin":true,"minimumHeight":"50vh","margin":{"top":0,"bottom":25}},"byline-layout":{"columnStart":0,"columnSpan":7,"margin":{"top":10,"bottom":10}}},"metadata":{"excerpt":"Drag Me To Hell Red Carpet Premiere In a climate where banks manage to make some peoples lives hell, it was only a matter of time that a horror flick will come along to take advantage of this situation. Spiderman's Sam Raimi, wrote and directed it and admits although it does seem very timely, he...","thumbnailURL":"bundle:\/\/drag-me-to-hell.jpg","dateCreated":"2009-05-29T00:00:38+00:00","dateModified":"2016-04-21T13:49:05+00:00","datePublished":"2009-05-29T00:00:38+00:00","canonicalURL":"http:\/\/\/drag-me-to-hell\/","generatorIdentifier":"publish-to-apple-news","generatorName":"Publish to Apple News","generatorVersion":"1.0.8"},"advertisingSettings":{"frequency":1,"layout":{"margin":{"top":15,"bottom":15}}}}
I can clearly see this in the JSON:
That’s a YouTube embed for Apple News. What exactly isn’t working for you about this?
We’ve fixed your Vimeo issue in github if you want to grab the latest version from there:
This will get officially released here later as part of 1.0.9.
Excellent. Just to verify, do I delete the existing plugin and upload this version?
Finally have some posts publishing to Apple News.
This post has a video and has not been published.
I did what I thought was an oEmbed.
Can you please provide the contents of the “Text” tab in the WordPress editor for this post? Please ensure you paste it here as code by using the ‘code’ button in this editor.
This is the debug text.
[headers] => Array
[date] => Mon, 06 Jun 2016 18:00:40 GMT
[request-id] => 0ff94929-a012-43f3-bae2-d74d953a56d3
[content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
[content-length] => 104
[connection] => keep-alive
)[body] => {“errors”:[{“code”:”INVALID_DOCUMENT”,”keyPath”:[“root”,”components”,”[8]”],”message”:”Invalid URL: “}]}
[response] => Array
[code] => 400
[message] => Bad Request
)[cookies] => Array
)[filename] =>
)request meta:
[data] => Array
[links] => Array
[sections] => Array
[0] =>
[isPreview] =>
I forgot to mention I have a Vimeo video in a post to be published on Tyesday.
This is the format I have: [embed][/embed]
Will that work?
Just realized I had sent you the debug and not the post text.
`<h3 style=”text-align: center;”>ConPlan Collaboration
Includes ESG Funding</h3>
<span class=”drop_cap”>T</span>he U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) released a guidebook and video designed to facilitate coordination between Continuums of Care (CoCs) and Consolidated Plan (ConPlan) jurisdictions.This guide and video are complementary tools that explain the consultation requirements for Continuums of Care (CoCs) and Consolidated Plan (Con Plan) jurisdictions, including those with and without Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) allocations.
In addition to explaining the minimum regulatory consultation requirements, the guide also identifies strategies for meaningful collaboration between CoCs and Con Plan jurisdictions sharing the same geographic area. The guidance can be used to inform emerging community partnerships, whatever their current stage of collaboration, and their continuing evolution. The intended audience is CoC leadership and Con Plan jurisdiction staff involved in developing the Con Plan or administering ESG grants.
The video discusses the benefits of collaboration and assists key stakeholders in understanding why and with whom they should collaborate.
<p style=”text-align: center;”> HUD Information on CoC and ConPlan </p>Both embeds you supplied are in the correct format. However, note that since those are also oEmbeds, the embed shortcode is not necessary. You can just paste the URL on a line by itself.
Thanks Bradford.
I deleted the embed on the first one and it did not publish. This is the debug information:
[headers] => Array
[date] => Mon, 06 Jun 2016 18:29:24 GMT
[request-id] => cbb360cc-5ac9-4c80-890e-acd8ecf89c84
[content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
[content-length] => 104
[connection] => keep-alive
)[body] => {“errors”:[{“code”:”INVALID_DOCUMENT”,”keyPath”:[“root”,”components”,”[8]”],”message”:”Invalid URL: “}]}
[response] => Array
[code] => 400
[message] => Bad Request
)[cookies] => Array
)[filename] =>
)request meta:
[data] => Array
[links] => Array
[sections] => Array
[0] =>
[isPreview] =>
Any suggestions? I am more concerned about the one for Tuesday.
This is the error i get from preview.
Error: Unable to determine mime type of URL [bundle://Coordination-and-Collaboration-for-CoCs-and-Consolidated-Plan-Jurisdictions.png]
document -> metadata -> thumbnailURLI had been bundling the images and that had finally gotten the plugin to work foe me.
Any thoughts?
Unfortunately we are no longer troubleshooting bundled image issues. Once Apple fixes the chunked transfer encoding issue with remote images, we will be recommending that anyone having issues with bundles uses the remote image setting instead.
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