Does plugin automatically detects the browser type as Mobile and change automatically between a desktop and mobile?
Yes, exactly.
Is it possible to customize my site with a subdomain like m.examplesite.com ?
No, this is not supported. WPtouch uses exact-match URLs.
If I buy the plugin, will your team member will help me out how to solve above problems? I was trying to find above information on wptouch site, however I couldn’t find it.
We assist all WPtouch Pro customers in resolving any issues that they may encounter.
I realized this youtube embed issue earlier today too and thought it was only my problem. Youtube embeds worked fine before, but seem not so after the latest upgrade. Anyone see this issue?
What version are you using? Try the latest (currently 3.4.4) and let us know if the issue persists. If it does, let us know exactly how you are adding the video embeds on your website.
I’ve discovered a similar issue – although an embedded YouTube video works within WPTouch, an embedded YouTube PlayList doesn’t. The relevant page flashes on my iPhone and then just displays a totally blank screen.
The page I’m currently experiencing an issue with is https://mccordvankempen.com/blog/2014/07/week-real-deal-june-30-july-3-2014/
Testing on an iPhone 5S in Safari, the playlist video embed shows up and plays just fine. Here’s a screenshot for reference – https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19501220/Photo%20Jul%2024%2C%203%2015%2002%20PM.png