are there any means to implement a youtube video in the calender? By just entering the URL it just ends up with the mere youtube screen without any play function.
Thnx in advance
This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by pandalino.
Thnx for the quick response.
I also tried to embed a video as well as an ordninary link but failed. In the calendar it just prompts it as a “pic” without any function. (play resp. forward)
So since it seems to work at yours it might obviously be an unfortunate interaction with another plugin on my site.
Any hints to go after it?
Thnx anyway
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by pandalino.
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by pandalino.
I deactivated all other plugins but the embedded URLs in the advent calendar don’t forward. Not using the calendar the URLs on the site and the Youtubes are working fine. Any idea what the issue could be withe the calendar or does it need an additional plugin?
I’m not entirely sure. You say that Youtube embeds work fine in normal posts and pages? That’d be pretty strange, because internally the calendar sheets are basically the same as those.