Thanks again Allen, but i’m still not getting the video to actually show up. It only shows a stretched out picture thumbnail. The thumbnail links to the youtube video, but the video doesn’t actually imbed on my page.Is there something I am missing? I cleared out my cache to see if that might affect it, but its still the same…IF I need to give you login details I will if it means this feature will be possible. Let me better explain what I’m trying to do to see if that helps give you a better Idea of what I need to do next…: I have multiple youtube accounts surrounding a dance company, so i want to pull the videos from those accounts and create posts with them, but still leave the source link to the actual youtube page….Right now i get this when i preview the page,
(stretched out picture attached to the youtube url, not the actual video itself)
Video Title
video description
03:43 More in
Via: fads videos
Is it impossible with this plugin to pull the actual video? Because even when I pull rss feeds from websites other than youtube, the articles that have video in them don’t actually post the video, even when i check the “give me everything option…
Once again, Thank you so much for all your help Allen, and any future help is greatly appreciated.your a damn whiz!!!