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  • Plugin Author Nico


    This is by intention, I don’t like them and do not plan to support them in the near future sorry. If your not afraid of diging into the code or you know someone you might want to change this line to your needs in class-advanced-responsive-video-embedder.php. something in there prevents them I believe. (note: after I update you would have to redo this.

    $urlcode = '//' . $id . '?rel=0&autohide=1&hd=1&iv_load_policy=3&wmode=transparent&modestbranding=1' . $time;

    @nico, thanks for providing such a good, easy to use plugin. Need to ask though, is there a reason why you don’t like YouTube annotations, or a more specific reason why you are not supporting them?

    I found the piece of code that switches them off, and have turned them back on so will just need to remember to do that with every update.

    @eleclerc if you hadn’t done this yet, the part in the code above that says &iv_load_policy=3, change this value to 1.

    I did a search for iv_load_policy and found two places in class-advanced-responsive-video-embedder.php where it appears. Change both values to 1, to be safe.

    Plugin Author Nico


    The reason I actually hate YouTube annotations are that they are annoying big fat boxes of video publishers who want me to click me somewhere to go somewhere else and but I want to watch and enjoy videos without distractions. From my point of view annotations are good for publishers but bad for the actually consumers. People are using them in the worst possible ways I cant stand like having big fat back and forth links on the videos all the freaking time. Or “click here watch this” on the actual beginning on videos. I mean I am not opening a video just to go to another one. I want to watch videos and not have this things on my face. If there are links people can put them into the description and I can use them to my liking if and when I want.

    There are exceptions when people do this previews at the end of videos and you can click them via annotations, they can actually be helpful for me to. If youtube would have this feature to show them just for the last 5 secs of vids i would use them. And stop at the last frame for that matter ??

    There you have it, this is why. So you’ll need this quick edit for now, not that hard to edit updates are not that often.

    Maybe a better way I guess you could use JavaScript to modify the iframe src url from a external file so you would have to redo it every update.

    Also I am having this Idea of custom parameters for all providers but I am not sure if/when I will find the time to code this. [hint]I am taking pull requests in github[/hint]

    Fair enough. I know what you mean and I do hate it when whatever I am trying to watch keeps having other, largely un-related, things popping up.

    My reason for asking was that for one client, the annotations were actually meant to be seen (and are valid … and as there is almost no sound in the video, the annotations are required).

    I agree that editing the code is not complicated. It’s remembering to do it that is the tricky part ??

    I might just pop along to your github page though and maybe suggest it as a feature, whereby the annotations are turned off by default but can be included on a video shortcode by video shortcode basis.

    Thanks for your response though.

    Plugin Author Nico


    Before you invest time in it the wrong way I just want to make this clear. I already decided against making a single switch just for that one parameter (load policy).

    If I (or you ^^) do it then I will have a catchall thing for all parameters imaginable. Like [youtube id="123456" params="blub=1&bla=noway"] + options setting to alter defaults for each provider.

    Plugin Author Nico


    Ok I have done it in 3.5.0! I hope you like it and its working fine.

    Thanks Nico, I noticed it in the update changelog!

    I am going to update the one site that I use YouTube annotations for and will report back. Looks great though, thanks!

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