This is typical syntax error. In general those messages can ignore if they relate with frontend snippet. Code Snippet doesn’t allow to save snippet, which has invalid PHP syntax.
It seems that Code Snippet temporarily saves the invalid snippet and if it has error retrieves the working version to the frontend if working version exists. Because there is temporarily invalid frontend snippet, WordPress sends error message.
Concerning fronend snippets, there is possibility to fix the syntax error.
If you site works ok, just ignore these kinds messages and delete the e-mail.
If you get blank page, then there is real error. In many circumstances real problems relate with some serious problems in Code Snippet. In those cases the problem doesn’t relate with syntax errors but function definition problems. I have explained major problems elsewhere. Problems are serious and the author should warn about them in a fixed topic.
In general. Never create backend snippets if you don’t have phpMyAdmin opened and you can access database. If backend snippet has syntax error, Code Snippet can’t retrieve working version, because backend has been crashed.
Maybe safe mode can help in this matter and backend could be accessed even if there is a snippet, which has invalid syntax in a backend snippet.
IMO Code Snippet should create a temporary saving, where active has always value 0. After checking the syntax, it would delete the temporary saving. Then syntax error in backend snippet would not crash the backend. Then Code Snippet could retrieve working active backend snippet or set for invalid snippet active as value 0 or not save the invalid backend snippet at all in the case when there is the first time a trial to save the snippet.