• Hello Sir,
    I installed this plugin, but I can’t feel the impact of the plugin on my website.

    What I mean is that, for example: I have a name called “Judd” on my website. I searched for “Judd” after installing your plugin. It still returned a “Not Found” result. When it’s very evident that “Judd” exist on the website as you can see here– https://prntscr.com/1k8145h

    What I want is to search every possible content, metadata, Titles, Categories, Tags, Custom Post Type and everything else that exist on the website.

    The default WordPress Search is returning a “Not Found” result. Installing and adding your Better Search plugin still made no difference.

    Is there something you think I didn’t do correctly?

    Needing to hear from you soon.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Ajay


    I’m afraid the plugin is still not built up to handle searching through categories, tags and meta-data.

    It’s on my list which I’m hoping I’m able to implement in v3.0.0 which is under development.

    Can you try turning on Boolean mode in the settings page and check what the results are like?

    Also, does it work for other terms or none at all?

    Thread Starter gamicord


    I have enabled Boolean and Aggressive Search, it still returned a “Nothing Found” result.

    Now, the website is a BuddyPress Social Network website. “Judd” is the name of one of the site members. You can see it here– https://prntscr.com/1ms6en0

    I was testing the Search function after I have enabled Boolean, Aggressive Search and other needed settings, it still returned a “Nothing Found” result.

    For your Questions:

    1.) Can you try turning on Boolean mode in the settings page and check what the results are like? it still returned a “Nothing Found” result.

    2.) Also, does it work for other terms or none at all? It worked for no term at all.

    3.) What does HeatMap Mean and Do?

    4.) What codes I’m I expected to insert according to this– https://prntscr.com/1ms8v8w

    What are the codes going to help me style?

    Waiting to hear from you soon.


    Plugin Author Ajay



    I think I understand the issue. The plugin won’t work out of the box for this currently given BuddyPress is a custom install and the plugin relies on post title and content currently for the indexing and the searching.

    So Judd would not be a regular post but it’s a user which is why you can’t find results yet.

    This could be doable but will need some amount of custom coding to achieve it.

    I’m working on a new version of the plugin currently where I’m planning to add more settings to what all can be searched including, content, taxonomies, authors etc. But no ETA yet as it is a major code rewrite.

    Have you tried Relavanssi as an alternative to this? They have a free version here and also a premium version. I haven’t tried it myself but worth exploring.

    Plugin Author Ajay


    To answer your other questions:
    3) Heatmap is a way to display the most searched items on your site. The plugin will track the searches and then you can use the widget to display these terms.

    4) If you check the Style tab you’ll see this is already there in the default settings.

    You’ll need to use CSS to style .bsearch_highlight e.g. if you want it to be a different background.

    The next version will also highlight terms when you click through the results.

    Thread Starter gamicord


    Relevanssi is way behind you.

    This is what He told me: https://prntscr.com/1mw6wci

    So I will say you seem more Advanced and hopeful than Relevanssi.

    Can you Please expedite the rewrite to be able to release it this Year?


    Plugin Author Ajay



    That is interesting to hear! But, I think I understand.

    I can’t promise I’ll support BuddyPress because if someone as big as them can’t get it done, then it clearly is surprising.

    What I am planning on doing is a bit more extensive searching which I am coding currently which will also include searches through the authors etc. What I’m not sure yet is how do I return the results and display the various links.

    Plugin Author Ajay



    I’m not sure if you tried out v3.x

    It now can pull out posts that are written by a particular author. You’ll need to enable it in the settings page.

    Note that it doesn’t display the Author view but the posts by the author.

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