• Resolved Max


    Howdy, I’ve found one bug inside your plugin related to fields on a checkout page that was added via the woocommerce_field function.

    		'type'    => 'select',
    		'label'   => esc_html__( 'Custom Select', 'great-plugin' ),
    		'options' => [
    			'key'         => esc_html__( 'Value', 'great-plugin' ),
    			'another-key' => esc_html__( 'Another Value', 'great-plugin' ),
    		'default' => 'another-key',

    The default WooCommerce behavior for this function should prepare next markup:

    <option value="key">Value</option>
    <option value="another-key">Another Value</option>

    But your plugin’s filter changes it to the:

    <option value="Value">Value</option>
    <option value="Another Value">Another Value</option>

    The problem located inside the woocommerce-checkout-manager/includes/view/frontend/class-wooccm-fields-filters.php file in 110 line:

    $field .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($option_text) . '" ' . selected($value, $option_text, false) . '>' . esc_attr($option_text) . '</option>';

    It should be:

    $field .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($option_key) . '" ' . selected($value, $option_key, false) . '>' . esc_attr($option_text) . '</option>'; instead.

    So, please pay attention that we should use the value of the option’s key and choose selected elements based on the option’s value.

    Also, I left the link to the related code in WooCommerce.

    I’ll appreciate it if you can fix it as soon as possible.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Max.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Max.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Max.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Max.
Viewing 13 replies - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
  • Hey @wppunk

    Thank you very much for reporting this issue.

    Dev team is now aware of it

    ?Is this triggering some error on the front/backend ? Please specify error if yes.

    Thread Starter Max


    First of all, on the backend side, the next step, on the frontend if some code related to option values.

    Sorry I’m not sure to fully understand your reply.

    ?Is this triggering some error on the front/backend ? Please give more details about error if yes.

    Thread Starter Max


    Your code change default behavior for select fields. The code example:

    		'type'    => 'select',
    		'label'   => esc_html__( 'Custom Select', 'great-plugin' ),
    		'options' => [
    			'key'         => esc_html__( 'Value', 'great-plugin' ),
    			'another-key' => esc_html__( 'Another Value', 'great-plugin' ),
    		'default' => 'another-key',

    WooCommerce defaultbe havior generate the next markup:

    <select name="custom-select">
    <option value="key">Value</option>
    <option value="another-key">Another Value</option>

    Your plugin change the behavior because generate the next markup:

    <select name="custom-select">
    <option value="Value">Value</option>
    <option value="Another Value">Another Value</option>

    So, your plugin sets for option value attributes the array value instead of keys as it doing WooCommerce. For example, my plugin adds select with data from some API with a list of cities. Where city_id (just unique identification) for key and quick search by API, but for customers, I show the real city name instead of ID, but store ID in order.

    Woocommerce uses Select2 enhancement for default select type inputs ->https://select2.org/

    Enabling Select2 is a premium feature of plugin,

    Screenshot -> https://snipboard.io/esGK5l.jpg

    Thread Starter Max


    @sebastopolys I don’t need the select2 enhancement. I need the default WooCommerce behavior for select fields in your plugin ??

    From Woocommerce 2.3 Select2 is applied by default for select type inputs (country, state fields)

    You can try this solution to disable select2-> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28547598/how-to-unload-select2-script-styles-loaded-by-new-woocommerce-2-3-x/47314703

    But as said before, select2 enhancement is a premium feature of plugin

    Thread Starter Max


    I mentioned the default select field, not Select2 because isn’t a JS problem is a problem in HTML markup.

    From Woocommerce 2.3 Select2 is applied by default for select type inputs

    Thread Starter Max


    @sebastopolys Could you show me any proof? I added a custom select field and it works without select2. Here a screenshot: https://a.supportally.com/oxCkkP

    Yes, of course html select type works.

    But as you can see on the html output, in a default woocommerce installation, all select type fields have the select2 class.


    This is not relevant anyway. Plugin works this way and it is not possible to edit plugin files on your request,

    Thread Starter Max


    The woocommerce_field works not only for this field. Your field is a country field that has its own logic.

    You can check what a field is, the exact country field, or add some filters. But do it as you do; it’s the wrong way. You influence other plugins and break their work.

    Anyway, we should find some way how to fix it.

    Hey @wppunk
    They broke this a year and a half ago by changing the value of <option> elements to be the text label instead of the value:


    They don’t seem to care to fix it, even though it breaks <select> fields that are outside of Checkout Manager.

    I gave up on trying to get them to fix it and changed my local copy of the plugin to work properly and then increased the version number so it doesn’t get updated to a broken version again.

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