Hi @tamramc
Thank you for response!
I could confirm the issue with menu so I’ve already reported it to our developers and they’ll update the link in footer. Thank you for pointing it out.
As for the XML-RPC, since I don’t know your site I can’t check it but as I mentioned earlier – Defender doesn’t block access to the file itself. It will still respond to request but depending on request the response might be different. When called directly in browser it will say that only POST requests are allowed.
When a post request is done, the response might be different depending on the post so that’s why I asked for details of what they checked. The fact the did get the response is one thing but then the question is what exact request they sent and what response they get when they were testing it with this Insomnia REST Client.
Just t test it again on my own setup I did following thing:
– first I put this code in a “testrpc.php” file:
$function_name = "wp.getAuthors";
$url = "https://sitepoint.com/xmlrpc.php";
$client = new xmlrpc_client($url);
$client->return_type = "phpvals";
$message = new xmlrpcmsg($function_name, array(new xmlrpcval(0, "int"), new xmlrpcval("username", "string"), new xmlrpcval("password", "string")));
$resp = $client->send($message);
if ($resp->faultCode()) echo 'KO. Error: '.$resp->faultString(); else foreach ($resp->val as $key => $value) {
echo "User id: " . $value["user_id"];
echo "<br><br>";
echo "Username: " . $value["user_login"];
echo "<br><br>";
echo "Display name: " . $value["display_name"];
echo "<br><br>";
[courtesy of SitePoint]
Then I’ve uploaded it to a folder on a server (on a location different than tested site (note: in the code above I’ve updated URL to point to my installation protected with Defender) and I’ve also downloaded PHPXMLRPC library and uploaded it (extracted) to the same location.
I then run the code (which is supposed to get a list of authors on site) with XML-RPC security tweak disabled. It responded, as expected, that the username and password is incorrect – which is fine because I didn’t provide any in the code. But it’s enough to confirm that XML-RPC is not protected.
So then I’ve eanbled XML-RPC security tweak on that site via Defender and run that code again and the response, again as expected, was “Error: XML-RPC services are disabled on this site”.
This is expected behavior. If your developers only checked if file is accessible and if it responds but didn’t really examine responses, it’s a test that should be done again to confirm. It’s also possible that there is some “glitch” that actually makes some kind of requests insecure and unprotected, hence my question for specific request(s) they made and specific resonse(s) to requests that they get.
Knowing about those could help further investigate the issue.
Best regards,