• Resolved Jackflash101


    Your plugin has added some links at the bottom of every page, with photos from various photo galleries set up as links to the galleries themselves. It says “You may also Like” above the the photo links. If I can’t disable this, I’ll have to disable and delete Shareaholic itself. Is there something I can change on the Settings page?

    Otherwise, really like what you’ve built!

    Tempe Ariz.


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  • Hi Jack,

    You can disable this feature under the Related Content (Recommendations) header of your Shareaholic plugin settings, and welcome to our publisher community! If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach us through our support center for a quicker response: https://support.shareaholic.com/home

    Where does Shareaholic pull the text string it uses for the title of the Related Posts link? Currently it’s formatting the string with the name of my blog like this:

    { go2jo.com } | The Clash @ Asbury Park Convention Hall 1982…

    When I’d like it to be just the post title:

    The Clash @ Asbury Park Convention Hall 1982…

    At first I thought it was pulling it from my WP theme’s header.php Title attribute … but when I changed that line to just the title of the post, nothing changed in the way Shareaholic wrote those lines. Does it pull the text from CSS?

    Any ideas? Maybe a fix?

    Thanks … Joe

    Plugin Author Shareaholic


    Hi Joe!

    Did you very recently implement the Open Graph Title tag?

    Our methodology:


    The index is stored on our end. We don’t store it locally as it would put significant strain on the database, and can potentially slow down your site, which is a reason why some prominent hosted solutions don’t allow related content plugin that do do that (most).

    If you’d like, we can re-index your website. This will update all the titles. Let us know!

    Yes, please reindex my site. I will look into Open Graph Title tags.

    Thanks … Joe

    Rebuild worked … thanks!

    Can I get you to now rebuild my https://www.emacconsulting.com website, please? I had a translation plugin running that seems to have messed up ALL my post titles. I’ve removed it.

    Thanks … Joe

    Plugin Author Shareaholic


    @joe Glad go2jo.com is sorted out! I just rebuilt emacconsulting.com too.

    I want to disable Recommendations / Related content on a specific page ? How do I do this ?

    Plugin Author Shareaholic


    Hi @camay123,

    How-to instructions on how to disable Recommendations / Related content on a specific page or post:


    Let us know how it goes!

    I’m very surprised that the Related Content section was enabled by default during an upgrade. As someone who runs numerous standalone installs and a few MU WP installs (with tons of sites across them), it was a huge waste of time having to go in and disable this feature for every single site.

    It’s already enough of an annoyance that I have to go re-save the settings for every site after an upgrade (the only plugin I ever have to do something like this for), but enabling the Related Content section by default has now made me look for an alternative to Sexy Bookmarks. I love the software, but it’s not worth the amount of time I’ve had to waste fixing things like this on a regular basis.

    Hi @gregjch,

    Thank you for taking the time to share your experience and frustration. In v6 and before, saving the settings after an update ensured that you were running the latest scripts by grabbing them from our server and storing them locally, but we’ve greatly refined the process in our new design, completely rewriting our plugin, rather than just trying to fix and expand code that was initially written many years ago.

    With the redesign, we use Amazon Cloudfront, an extremely popular and reliable CDN, for caching to take most of the load off of the plugin itself as well as your database. This way, all you need to do after an update is clear your local cache (and your site cache if you use caching plugins) to update on your end. If you do not use caching plugins and forget to clear your browser cache (Shift+refresh), in two days, you’ll automatically grab our latest scripts without needing to do a thing.

    I do hope you reconsider your decision as we’d love to welcome you back into our community and appreciate any and all feedback about our v7 release.

    Related content is now suddenly showing 5 items. This is crowding my layout. I can find no way to change it.

    You use to have good controls, but now it seems I can’t change much, and what I can is well hidden and off my blog.

    Hi @phbyerly,

    We’ve rewritten the Related Content app to be fully responsive where the recommendations resize and decrease in number based on the parent container width in different viewports, showing a maximum of five cards at full screen width. This is a mobile-ready design with smooth transitions, but if you’d like to specifically limit the results to a set number, I can provide you with custom CSS so that you can apply the change in your stylesheet, just understand that it will impact the responsiveness of our app.

    I noticed that only few of my posts are showing into related links. What can I do to fix this?



    showing a maximum of five cards at full screen width

    I am now seeing six (https://www.the-generous-wife.com/2013/08/24/a-time-to-celebrate/), and on occasion it has five on one line with another below. Clealry it is not doing in the real world what it does in tests. Seems every time it updates it gets worse.

    As my other choice is removing it, the custom CSS seems like a good plan.

    I have seen the same on several sites this weekend – six items, and sometimes in two rows.

    This is really getting out of hand! Please give us the ability to control this.

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