• This is the error I’m getting, while logged in, or not.

    “You have passed a blank string for ‘card’. You should remove the ‘card’ parameter from your request or supply a non-blank value.”

    This is a simple product. Another error a customer has received was just that her card was declined. Obviously I’m not 100% sure that’s the exact wording, maybe they really received the same message as I’m getting. They actually just updated me that they called their credit card to verify the charges, and then the credit card company let it through. So I’m not sure what that means.

    This error does not happen to me when 2014 theme is activated.

    Here’s a sample of the details of the failed order in Stripe. Personal details replaced with *

    Parsed Request POST Body

    amount: “37500”
    currency: “CAD”
    card: “tok_184u8JJqbqBSUhb95u8Qwvx6”
    capture: “true”
    statement_descriptor: “Online Shopping”
    Order #: “6145”
    Total Tax: “0”
    Total Shipping: “0”
    Customer IP: *
    WP customer #: “”
    Billing Email: *
    receipt_email: *
    description: “Smart Nutrition Order #6145”
    line1: *
    line2: “”
    city: *
    state: *
    country: “CA”
    postal_code: *
    name: *
    phone: *
    Response body

    id: ch_184uN8JqbqBSUhb9s4ldzq8U
    object: “charge”
    amount: 37500
    amount_refunded: 0
    application_fee: null
    balance_transaction: “txn_184uN9JqbqBSUhb9kAuGucIl”
    captured: true
    created: 1461770078
    currency: “cad”
    customer: null
    description: “Smart Nutrition Order #6145”
    destination: null
    dispute: null
    failure_code: null
    failure_message: null
    invoice: null
    livemode: true
    Order #: “6145”
    Total Tax: “0”
    Total Shipping: “0”
    Customer IP: *
    Billing Email: *
    order: null
    paid: true
    receipt_email: *
    receipt_number: “1659-0537”
    refunded: false
    object: “list”
    has_more: false
    total_count: 0
    url: “/v1/charges/ch_184uN8JqbqBSUhb9s4ldzq8U/refunds”
    city: *
    country: *
    line1: *
    line2: “”
    postal_code: *
    state: *
    carrier: null
    name: *
    phone: *
    tracking_number: null
    id: card_184u8JJqbqBSUhb9SbwA2RGy
    object: “card”
    address_city: *
    address_country: *
    address_line1: *
    address_line1_check: “pass”
    address_line2: “”
    address_state: *
    address_zip: *
    address_zip_check: “pass”
    brand: “MasterCard”
    country: “CA”
    customer: null
    cvc_check: null
    dynamic_last4: null
    exp_month: 11
    exp_year: 2017
    fingerprint: “jSt02MCabNjOXPCS”
    funding: “credit”
    last4: *
    name: *
    tokenization_method: null
    source_transfer: null
    statement_descriptor: “Online Shopping”
    status: “succeeded”


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