you guys should be able to respond faster to threads
I know that you are volunteers, but i have been trying to get a very important and annoying issue resolved for a week now and i had one person respond, but after i told them that what they suggested didn’t work i never got a response back. i have posted a new thread for the topic rewording the topic title 3 times to see if i can get a response,i didn’t spam, these posts have been made 2 or 3 days apart, and still nothing. i don’t understand why i have to keep waiting. i haven’t been rude or anything on my threads but now i’m getting impatient. it’s been a week and i still can’t find how to fix the problem. your codex didn’t help me, the suggestions made by a mod didn’t help me, and i actually tried those suggestions before i even posted asking for help. i know you guys are busy, but this is a little ridiculous that i’ve been waiting 6 days to get any help. even if the only solution is to reinstall wp and upload a backup i would gladly listen to this advise. it would just be nice if i got some sort of reply to at least feel like you guys want to help, even if no one knows of any other solution besides a reinstall, please say so. that way i’m not wasting my time waiting for someone to help.
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