• I started getting this message about 3 days ago. I could not logging in using with any user account on the wordpress.

    I have tried every troubleshooting, including creating a new admin, without any positive result.

    I read somewhere that the prefix of my “user_level” and “capabilities” metakeys in the “usermeta” table must be the same as my database. However, when are checked my database, these are my findings:

    1. Database name: <anyname>_wp1
    2. Table names: wp_<tablenames>
    3. Usermeta table name: wp_usermeta
    4. User_level name: wp_user_level
    5. Capabilties name: wp_capabilities

    Could this be the reason I am getting this error message please.


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  • Hello,
    Logon and select the the WordPress database through phpMyAdmin and then execute the following SQL commands:

    UPDATE <code>{%TABLE_PREFIX%}usermeta</code>
    SET <code>meta_key</code> = replace(<code>meta_key</code>, '{%OLD_TABLE_PREFIX%}',
    UPDATE <code>{%TABLE_PREFIX%}options</code>
    SET <code>option_name</code> = replace(<code>option_name</code>, '{%OLD_TABLE_PREFIX%}',

    Replace {%TABLE_PREFIX%} with the current $table_prefix in used as defined in wp-config.php. In most cases, it should be the same with {%NEW_TABLE_PREFIX%}.
    Replace {%OLD_TABLE_PREFIX%} with the previous $table_prefix.
    Replace {%NEW_TABLE_PREFIX%} with the current $table_prefix.

    Now, In the database, look for the following meta keys in {%TABLE_PREFIX%}usermeta table:


    Note that the table may contains more than one row for each of the meta keys above, as each user in WordPress has own values defined. Look for the one which has the user_id linked to your user account, which can be retrieved from {%TABLE_PREFIX%}users table.

    The {%TABLE_PREFIX%}capabilities should have a value similar to a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;}, and {%TABLE_PREFIX%}user_level should have a value of 10

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