• dawg


    I am completely locked out from the back end, not sure why this is all acting up today.

    In cpanel I can not get to the area where I would change a user lever.

    I have always had a level 10 status but something is out of whack, I am guessing the blog thinks I am a user with out suffient status to access the admin.

    Is there a simple fix, I am the only user so I can completey change it to new info. I suppose I could always do a new install and import the entries but it should be easier.


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  • MichaelH


    Using phyMyAdmin make sure the table wp_usermeta for your user_id has:

    wp_capabilites of: a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;}
    wp_user_level of: 10



    dawg…. what about your .htaccess file? If you have one, back it up then delete it? I’m not sure that will help, but that’s one thing I did with a couple of mine I had trouble with.

    If you can’t get to the backend with phpmyadmin though I don’t know that it’ll help at all.

    Thread Starter dawg


    I can now get into phpMyAdmin

    I did import another blog users tables from a blog that I no longer use but still have problems accessing the back end, the user level is 10.

    I can not find the part that Michelle mentioned, I followed the Md5 advice from another entry you mentioned vkaryl but I am lost with going in so many different directions today.


    Thread Starter dawg


    I think I know what my troubles are, earlier today i had a stats plugin that caused me troubles with my config somehow but to make a long story short, I removed all the added tables and was trying to tri it down to the 9 tables that my old install of WP had,

    I did something to mess uo wp_usermeta, it is still there but I thought this was an extra table as I did not have that in the other install that was not upgraded.

    So the upgrade add this table, wp_usermeta? Then I wonder if just upgrading will add it correctly? I have repaired it and it is ok.





    I honestly couldn’t say at this point. I can’t remember having a wp install with 9 tables lately, seems like all of mine have had more, but some of them would have been due to plugins probably….

    Thread Starter dawg


    My old install had 9 tables, the one I am trying to fix had at least 10, it was twenty but I got rid of many tables that were extraneaus from the stats, I did mess with the one table


    I am guessing it was not there when I did the install last June,so I wonder it I drop it and upgrade if this will fix it.

    Frustrating as can be

    Thanks I will maybe just do a fresh install and import the db?



    You have to do a fresh install of the version the database belongs to. You could do that, then try the upgrade again….

    And yes, I do know that the usermeta table is something germane to 2.0+.

    Thread Starter dawg


    Ok I tried a fresh install, but can not import the old database.

    I have know idea how I am locked out of the main blog but I know the meta_user table gave me problems. I have spent all day and it will not let me in so I deleted it (wp_usermeta) and imported the new table from the new blog and still can not log in. I did the same with the user table as well since these seem to be the tables giving me trouble.

    I have changed the wp-config,php and all log in info to match but still have errors.

    It seems like WP is super touchy as I have changed mambo to joomla and updated and never had any troubles with phpMyAdmin.

    My head is spinning but it should still be an easy fix, the blog is not broken, I just can not log in????

    Thread Starter dawg


    Ok in case someone is able to duplicate what I experienced, I will write down the answer.

    I was following some other entries here and one suggestion was to add a new user to the database, this worked but when I went into phpMyAdmin to back up my WP install, it clashed with the new user and I was then denied access to phpMyAdmin, so I added another user and I regained access to my blog. Then I could not access admin. AGGHHHHHH!

    Oh well a simple fix was to remove the added users from the DB and viola! evrything was copasetic.



    Well, gee…. very glad you’re back in business!

    I went digging and digging and then digging somemore, and I ran into an issue that I had seen before. I made some changes to the httpd.conf and had to restart apache, and for several minutes my issue went away. So I went into my php.ini file and disabled mmcache, and presto it worked.

    If you have mmcache or some other extensions loaded with php you might want to check and disable them and see if it changes. You can do this in one of three ways.

    Directory directive in httpd.conf,
    <Directory ‘/some/path/to/wordpress’>
    php_admin_value mmcache_enable 0
    php_admin_value mmcache_optimizer 0

    PHP.ini file just comment out or turn mmcache.enable=’0′ and mmcache.optimizer=’0′

    Also do something similar with .htaccess
    php_admin_value mmcache_enable 0
    php_admin_value mmcache_optimizer 0

    You might say but I dont have mmcache installed or whatever, but this should show some of those struggling that there might be something other then WP to blame for the issue, and it might be something that you have to play with in Apache or PHP.ini.


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