I went digging and digging and then digging somemore, and I ran into an issue that I had seen before. I made some changes to the httpd.conf and had to restart apache, and for several minutes my issue went away. So I went into my php.ini file and disabled mmcache, and presto it worked.
If you have mmcache or some other extensions loaded with php you might want to check and disable them and see if it changes. You can do this in one of three ways.
Directory directive in httpd.conf,
<Directory ‘/some/path/to/wordpress’>
php_admin_value mmcache_enable 0
php_admin_value mmcache_optimizer 0
PHP.ini file just comment out or turn mmcache.enable=’0′ and mmcache.optimizer=’0′
Also do something similar with .htaccess
php_admin_value mmcache_enable 0
php_admin_value mmcache_optimizer 0
You might say but I dont have mmcache installed or whatever, but this should show some of those struggling that there might be something other then WP to blame for the issue, and it might be something that you have to play with in Apache or PHP.ini.