Instead of variations have you tried using product addons? Might be easier to set up for you if you have lots of combinations
> because when you search in Google – just a lot of articles on the subject that import / export does not work, that it is just terrible if you have 4 options with different prices, then this is 81 created options.
Fair point, however, we have documentation on this, variations are a complex system yet when you fully understand how to set it up and maintain it is very powerfull and easy to use.
> the rest can not create any automatic import/export,
It can, you just need to couple it with a service that can consume webhooks. For example, set up a webhook when you change a product and have it post to a service like Zapier, then from there you can use the REST API on the other site to update the product on that side.
You can also use normal import/export files you will just want edit the file a bit before importing it since by default it will try and match by ID which will obviously be different from site to site, to make this work you will have to use the sku instead.
> I’ve been in IT for 10 years and worked with different companies, if it weren’t for my clients who simply wanted to switch to Joomla, I would never advise using such a plugin.
Also to answer your original question, you can auto create variation by using the dropdown That might be the option you are looking for to easily create the variations, instead of having to do it manually.
Being used to another platform there will always be some learning curve and figuring out how things work before you get used to it, since you are not familiar with WooCommerce I can understand that you find it dificult or frustrating because it does not work the same way as a platform you are used to.
> In support there are a lot of unclosed questions, everywhere the same performance problems and the fact that the design and code worked very little time
Yes, we understand there are a lot of unanswered question but also remember this is a free platform and it is not always possible for us to respond to every single one, yet we try our best. Also if you happen to own a premium extension you can contact support directly at which will give you much quicker support and they will resolve issues for you by personally evaluating and looking at your site.
Regarding the performance, our latest release is the fastest version of WooCommerce yet, it boast speed improvements of up to 60% in some instances. We have found that most stores having performance issues are traced back to hosting setup or use of a badly written theme or extension not part of the official WooCommerce product line.
Regarding the quality being mediocre remark, sorry to hear you feel that way. I can assure you we have very competent and skilled developers working on the plugin and we follow strict coding guidelines and have all the tools and services in place to ensure our code quality it top.
If you own a premium WooCommerce extension from I would highly suggest you contact support there instead so they can give you a more personalised look at the issues you are experiencing and hopefully are able to change your view on our product.