• You are attempting to log out of

    Error when trying to logout from the main page/side menu.

    Some say they have fix this issue with patches, reinstalls. However re installation failed, and no patch is made public.

    Please fix this error.

    Or atlease SHARE how you fixed the problem. geeze.

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  • WordPress 2.7 uses a new tag to logout. You can find info on it here.

    Thread Starter tednigma


    Since I’ve ALWAYS used the default theme. This makes no sense as to why they would post broken updates. Seems like some testing would be involved, and or a patch to fix the error once it was released and realized.

    I mean, if I’d hacked/modded/themed my WordPress, then I can understand. However, to PREVENT such issues, I’ve left it all default, with just a few plugins. Such as Register Plus.

    Is there a default patch? Why was it put out broken?

    Also, this does not explain WHAT to do, or WHERE to do it. It assumes you are a DEV of WP, and not a user.

    I fail to understand why people put out broken code. I’ve been in this field over 20 years, and people have became USED to software not working right.

    Please provide a USER patch to ease the pain of fixing this published problem.


    Replace the default theme your using with the one included with the 2.7 zip file.

    WordPress 2.7 uses a new tag to logout.

    Why is it that WP users need to find this out via error reports on their blog?

    Is there a convenient “stuff we’ve broken” list that users can refer to?


    I have upgraded to the newer version 2.7. Like many others, I am having problems with my logout. I use a text widget (for logging out) inside of my template. The logout code in the text widget reads:

    Log out

    Can anyone help me with the code that I need to replace this with, in order for it to work with 2.7?




    The bug was caused by a change about Log out mechanism with was reffered in


    which said:

    Logout from Site

    The Template Tag wp_logout_url was added in Version 2.7 to provide a nonced URL for logout purposes. If a theme uses a construct such as /wp-login.php?action=logout to offer the user a logout link that code should be updated to use the wp_logout_url. A good example of the usage of wp_logout_url can be seen in the WordPress Default and Classic themes comments.php and comments-popup.php Templates.

    Users will experience a You are attempting to log out of example.com. Please try again. message if the theme does not use wp_logout_url for the logout URL.

    So just find one line in your current theme files

    <a href="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?>/wp-login.php?action=logout" title="Log out of this account">Log out</a>

    and replaced these codes with

    <a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url(get_permalink()); ?>" title="Log out of this account">Log out</a>

    You can try log out again, and no same bug occurs again.



    Can anyone help me out? I have an if statement checking if users are logged in and then showing them their a link to their dashboard and logout link. I cannot get the function to work in the echo statement though! I would like the logout link to log them out & redirect to the current page and have it also say Welcome, username! instead of Welcome, friend!

    Check out my code below:

    <?php   if (is_user_logged_in()){
               echo "<h3><span class='slash'>//</span>Welcome, Friend!</h3><br /><br /><li><a href='https://blog.complimedia.com/wp-admin/'>Your Dashboard</a></li><li><a href='/wp-login.php?action=logout' title='Log out of this account'>Log out</a></li>";}
             else {
               echo "<h3><span class='slash'>//</span>Welcome, guest!</h3><br /><br /><li><a href='/wp-login.php'>Sign In Here</a></li>";

    Thanks so much!

    I was having this problem just a few minutes ago. It would sound hilarious but all I did was quit Mozilla and told it not to save Session information (I use Tab Mix Plus to save tabs in case browser crashes). On next start-up everything went back to normal and I was able to preview posts

    if it is said to have fix on 2.7
    im using wordpress 2.8.3 now… im still having this issue…

    You are attempting to log out of __________

    Please try again.


    I’m just going to take a stab in the dark, and assume that you’re using a non-default theme. Chances are that the theme author didn’t release an update for their code, as they should have… so until they do, you have to manually fix it for them.

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