YoastSEO Crashes Block Editor
Hello and thanks for your time; apologies in advance for the long post, but I’m trying to give you as much info as I figure you’re going to ask for anyway ??
I’m following up on a tweet I sent a couple of weeks ago about YSEO breaking the block editor. I have since done some fiddling around testing and plugging things in and unplugging them, and this is my observation:
I can not reliably narrow down a conflicting plugin. I am using a pretty good sized stack of them, with a woocommerce implementation and a wpforo forum as well plus a bunch of other stuff under the hood, but I went through one at a time turning them all back on, one at a time, off and on with and without Yoast, etc. Oddly if I go into troubleshooting mode while running the “health check & troubleshooting” plugin and then enable all current plugins…it works, right until I move it out of troubleshooting mode.
I did note some anomalous behavior that I couldn’t reliably reproduce. For instance, if I disable the wpforo plugin AND yoastseo, and then turn yoastseo back on, it SOMETIMES works ONCE, but a second attempt brings me back to one of the three “death” variants (empty screen, fatal error notice, or endless blue circle that never finishes loading).
Here’s what’s consistent:
– If yoast is not running any post of any type with or without any kind of pre-existing content will load properly in the block editor.
– if yoast IS running, the block editor will fail roughly 98% of the time.
– toggling and mixing-matching various plugins and plugin sets will sometimes “jostle” proper functionality out of the thing for a minute, meaning occasionally I’ll turn something off or on and I can get the BE to load ONCE, but not AGAIN, even if no changes were made between load attempts in any of the post content or the plugin load
– Without yoast, the BE loads and works as expected consistently with any one of dozens of various plugin sets including everything I’ve got running *except* YoastSEO.
– this is probably important: *I have the same problem with other major SEO plugins.* I use Yoast by default and have for many years – would pay for it if I could – but just as part of trying to suss this out I did try other tools like All In One SEO and a couple of the other “big” well known plugins for these purposes, and they all crash and burn on the block editor but work find on the classic editor.Here’s a little bit of server info for you, if it helps:
WordPress Version 5.8.2 Debug Mode Disabled PHP Version 7.3.32 MainWP Child Version 4.1.8 PHP Memory Limit 1024M MySQL Version 5.7.23-23
YSEO version 17.5. Server’s running on apache, I don’t remember the version right this second. I *did* try changing PHP versions as I notice several are only “certified” to PHP7.2, but 7.3 is the lowest version my host makes available. Functionality doesn’t seem to change between 7.3 and 7.4; with 8, the only other option, the whole site just dies – I assume the WP codebase is nowhere near ready for it. (Is it possible that I’m just hitting a memory limit, that all my other plugins together don’t push it over that 1G limit, but taking any one of them out and putting Yoast in does? Seems excessive…)
This is a hosted space via my own reseller account with whoever owns midphase this week, so I don’t have REAL root but can give you what access you may need either directly through the site or through the WPadmin site I use to manage all of my “properties” (mostly subdomains for screwing around and testing stuff), after proper handshaking/ID validation of course. It *is* a live site ?? and I’m a bad developer because it’s all “government work,” I get lazy and don’t bother with staging/testing.
I’m not a complete fool (in spite of what I just said) and did quite a bit of coding back in the day, but frankly I’m about 8 years rusty and don’t even know where to start looking for sure for meaningful error codes/logs, but am happy to do what I can with whatever guidance you can offer and give you whatever access you need. I backup regularly with UpdraftPlus, so worst case scenario I can throw in a fresh install and restore the site from there.
Look forward to hearing from you. I’m a huge fan both of the YoastSEO tool and the block editor and all the great tools it opens up, and I’m eager to get back to work at full speed!
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