• Resolved Luiz Henrique


    Hello good afternoon!
    I recently realized that the Yoast SEO plugin simply stopped working on my site. I believe the problem happened after installing the SEO certificate. The plugin signaled that I could not index my pages, but when I contacted the server they corrected that problem.
    Now the plugin functions simply do not work and I can not find support anywhere.

    Here is the image link that helped you visualize the problem.


    P.S: The plugin no longer appears in the “OPTIONS OF THIS SCREEN” page where you write / write posts.

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  • Plugin Support amboutwe


    The SEO keyword and readability analysis can be disabled site wide or per user. So let’s confirm it’s enabled for your site and for your user specifically:

    Admin > SEO > Dashboard > Features: Are both keyword and readability features enabled?
    Admin > Users > Your Profile: Are both SEO and readability UNchecked?

    If both of these are enabled, then something is either conflicting or has manually disabled the feature. The next step would be to disable all plugins and switch to a freshly installed default theme, like Twenty Seventeen. From this default state, enable Yoast SEO and see if the analysis returns.

    Thread Starter Luiz Henrique


    Plugin Support amboutwe


    We apologize for the trouble you are experiencing with our plugin. Sometimes strange behavior may be caused by a plugin or theme conflict.

    Please perform the following:

    1. Check for plugin or theme conflicts.
    2. Check for?JavaScript errors with your console.

    If you find any JavaScript errors related to Yoast SEO or if there is a conflict with a plugin or a theme, you can create a?new GitHub issue?for our developers. Please report the issue to a third party developer as well.

    If you didn’t find any conflicts or errors, we think the issue is specific to your site. We’d need to investigate further but are unable to do so on these forums. You can?purchase Yoast SEO Premium?and receive our premium email support so we can help you further.

    Thread Starter Luiz Henrique


    It’s look like that there is no problem in the code or with another plugin.

    Here, I have the print to show:


    This is my site’s configuration:

    				### WordPress ###
    Vers?o: 4.9.8
    Idioma: pt_PT
    Estrutura das liga??es permanentes: /%postname%/
    Este site está a usar HTTPS?: Sim
    Qualquer pessoa pode registar-se neste site?: N?o
    Estado por omiss?o dos comentários: closed
    Isto é uma instala??o multisite?: N?o
    Contagem de utilizadores: 1
    Comunica??o com www.remarpro.com: www.remarpro.com está acessível
    Criar pedidos de loobpack: O pedido de loopback para o seu site foi concluído com sucesso.
    ### Tamanho da instala??o ###
    Directório de carregamentos: 527,39 MB
    Directório de temas: 7,27 MB
    Directório de plugins: 76,04 MB
    Tamanho da base de dados: 3,30 MB
    Todo o directório do WordPress: 907,32 MB
    Tamanho total da instala??o: 910,62 MB
    ### Drop-ins ###
    advanced-cache.php: Plugin avan?ado de <em>caching</em>.
    db.php: Classe de base de dados personalizada.
    object-cache.php: Cache externa de objecto.
    ### Tema activo ###
    Nome: Envo Magazine
    Vers?o: 1.3.5
    Autor: EnvoThemes
    Site do autor: https://envothemes.com/
    Tema superior: N?o é um tema dependente
    Funcionalidades suportadas pelo tema: title-tag, menus, post-thumbnails, custom-background, custom-logo, automatic-feed-links, custom-header, woocommerce, wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider, editor-style, widgets
    ### Outros temas (2) ###
    Amadeus (amadeus): Vers?o 2.0.7 por Themeisle
    Twenty Seventeen (twentyseventeen): Vers?o 1.7 por a equipa do WordPress
    ### Plugins obrigatórios (1) ###
    Health Check Troubleshooting Mode: Vers?o 1.5.0
    ### Plugins activos (21) ###
    Akismet Anti-Spam: Vers?o 4.1 por Automattic
    All In One Schema Rich Snippets: Vers?o 1.5.4 por Brainstorm Force
    Facebook Pixel: Vers?o 1.7.6 por Facebook
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP): Vers?o 5.3.5 por ExactMetrics
    Google Pagespeed Insights: Vers?o 3.0.5 por Matt Keys
    Health Check & Troubleshooting: Vers?o 1.2.1 por The www.remarpro.com community
    Insert Headers and Footers: Vers?o 1.4.3 por WPBeginner
    Jetpack by WordPress.com: Vers?o 6.7 por Automattic
    Menu Icons: Vers?o 0.11.2 por ThemeIsle
    NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster: Vers?o 4.2.8 por NextScripts
    Read More Excerpt Link: Vers?o 1.4 por Tim Eckel
    Really Simple SSL: Vers?o 3.1.2 por Rogier Lankhorst, Mark Wolters
    Smush: Vers?o 2.9.1 por WPMU DEV
    Speed Booster Pack: Vers?o 3.7.3 por Macho Themes
    Subscribers.com: Vers?o 1.2 por Subscribers.com
    SumoMe: Vers?o 1.30 por SumoMe
    W3 Total Cache: Vers?o 0.9.7 por Frederick Townes
    WP-DBManager: Vers?o 2.79.2 por Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan
    WP-Sweep: Vers?o 1.0.12 por Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan
    WP Facebook Comments: Vers?o 1.2 por Qamar Sheeraz
    Yoast SEO: Vers?o 9.1 por Team Yoast
    ### Plugins inactivos (5) ###
    All In One SEO Pack: Vers?o 2.9.1 por Michael Torbert
    Google XML Sitemaps: Vers?o 4.0.9 por Arne Brachhold
    Gutenberg: Vers?o 4.4.0 por Gutenberg Team
    MaxButtons: Vers?o 7.7 por Max Foundry
    Wordpress Share Buttons: Vers?o 1.6 por Max Foundry
    ### Gest?o de multimédia ###
    Editor activo: WP_Image_Editor_GD
    Vers?o do módulo Imagick: Imagick not available
    Vers?o de ImageMagick: Imagick not available
    Vers?o de GD: bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
    Vers?o de Ghostscript: 8.70
    ### Servidor ###
    Arquitectura do servidor: Linux 3.10.0-862.3.2.4.ELK.el6.x86_64 x86_64
    Vers?o do PHP: 7.1.14 (Suporte para valores 64bit)
    SAPI do PHP: cgi-fcgi
    Tamanho máximo de variáveis inseridas do PHP: 1000
    Tempo limite do PHP: 600
    Limite de memória do PHP: 256M
    Tempo máximo de entrada: 60
    Tamanho máximo de carregamento de ficheiros: 64M
    Tamanho máximo de artigo do PHP: 64M
    Vers?o de cURL: 7.19.7 NSS/3.27.1
    SUHOSIN instalado: N?o
    A biblioteca Imagick está disponível: N?o
    Regras htaccess: Foram adicionadas regras personalizadas ao seu ficheiro htaccess
    ### Base de dados ###
    Extens?o: mysqli
    Vers?o do servidor: 5.6.41-84.1
    Vers?o do cliente: 5.6.27-75.0
    Prefixo da base de dados: wpio_
    ### Constantes do WordPress ###
    ABSPATH: /home/onflo302/public_html/
    WP_HOME: Indefinido
    WP_SITEURL: Indefinido
    WP_DEBUG: Desactivado
    WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY: Activado
    WP_DEBUG_LOG: Desactivado
    SCRIPT_DEBUG: Desactivado
    WP_CACHE: Activado
    COMPRESS_SCRIPTS: Indefinido
    COMPRESS_CSS: Indefinido
    WP_LOCAL_DEV: Indefinido
    ### Permiss?es do sistema de ficheiros ###
    Directório principal do WordPress: Com permiss?es de escrita
    Directório "wp-content": Com permiss?es de escrita
    Directório de carregamentos: Com permiss?es de escrita
    Directório de plugins: Com permiss?es de escrita
    Directório de temas: Com permiss?es de escrita
    Directório de plugins obrigatórios: Com permiss?es de escrita
    Plugin Support devnihil


    We reviewed your screenshot and the javascript error you took a screenshot of appears to be created due a Google Adsense script, and not in relation to Yoast SEO. As we think the issue is specific to your site we’d need to investigate further but are unable to do so on these forums. You can purchase Yoast SEO Premium and receive our Premium email support and we can help you further.

    Plugin Support amboutwe


    This thread has been marked as resolved due to lack of activity.

    You’re always welcome to re-open this topic. Please read this post before open a new request.

    Thanks for understanding!

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