Hello @mike00200,
Thanks for reaching out. I’ve addressed your concerns below:
Orpahned content
Orphaned Content?is a page, post, or product with no internal links pointing toward it. As a result, these articles are hard to find, both by Google and by users of your site. The Orphaned Content feature in Yoast SEO warns you about posts or pages that are considered orphaned content. To resolve this warning, you should add links to these posts from other posts on your site. For your posts not to be orphaned, they need to satisfy two conditions:
- There should be a link to another post on your website. That is called?incoming internal link.
- There should be another post on your website that links back to your link. This is called?outgoing internal links
Internal linking suggestions
Internal linking makes use of the Insights tool in Yoast SEO. Insights collects the most prominent words in the blog post you are writing. The linking tool uses this data to find the best-fitting posts while you are writing. A related post appears in the Yoast internal linking meta box when the two posts have overlapping prominent words. We compare the top 20 prominent words in the current post to every other post on your site to find overlapping prominent words.?The more overlapping prominent words a post has with the current post, the higher its position will be in the internal linking list. So, if there are no suggestions, it means there are no overlapping prominent words.