If your page has content and you are receiving the message of ‘The text contains 0 words’ this is typically due to the content of the page being created outside of the default WordPress editor. Some page builder plugins are not able to share the content created in them with the readability analysis feature of Yoast SEO.
Can you let us know if you are using a pagebuilder plugin such as Visual Composer, Site Origin, Beaver Builder etc to create your page’s content? The SEO and readability analysis feature scan sometimes not work correctly if you are using some kind of visual page builder, as they can cause the page’s content to not be accessible to the plugin due to it being created outside the functions of the standard WordPress page editor.
If this is the case the only workaround to this currently is to create the content from within the standard WordPress editor. We have additional information available on this issue at the following link: https://kb.yoast.com/kb/error-text-contains-0-words/
If you are still encountering the warning when using the default WordPress editor this may be result of a plugin or theme conflict. We have a guide on how to check for conflicts here: https://kb.yoast.com/kb/how-to-check-for-plugin-conflicts