• bonjour
    I am using wp last version with fifteen theme and the following plugins:
    booking calendar-
    contact form 7-
    google maps widgets-
    restaurant reservation
    wp edit-
    wp slim stat – not yet activated
    and yoast seo all of them in last known version.
    I am working on 2 computers the first where I build the site and the second where I check the result with firefox
    The site is not yet online but temporary under a special adress as https://xxx.lagrangeauxloups.com while creating.

    when I activate yoast seo then I find a problem with firefox browser for connexions on the made pages. Then nothing is displayed on my screnn.
    I do not understand why ?
    I use the same configuration on another site but with a normal adress
    and it works !!
    Is there somebody who can help to understand ?


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