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  • So
    i have dl and install the rollback plugin
    and have rollback the yoast to 2.35

    all was going within minutes and on the first and second view all looks ok
    ( i am no techie and cant know if something is happen behind the normal user vies, but i also dont know whats all happen with the 3.0 – 3.03 Versions)

    …for all un techies, the rollback plugin is easy to use
    if you can click a mouse, you can go this way ??

    ….i am not sure if i made ever a new try of yoast updates

    Note: all the Posts, listings after the update you must edit manuel and control/edit meta

    I downloaded WP Rollback, rolled back to 2.3.5, cleared cache, rebooted computer, and 3.03 is STILL there! This thing has a death grip on my websites. Any suggestions? I’m desperate!

    Try deactivating Yoast SEO, then check that it’s gone. Reactivate and try WP Rollback again. If that fails, delete Yoast, and download and manually install 2.3.5.

    Do better than deactivating. Start looking elsewhere. Yoast has screwed up big time on this.

    The latest updates are garbage. They completely broke my site and made it crawl. I was wondering myself if it was some marketing scheme to get people to pay for an upgrade. I doubt it honestly but you never know. I can’t believe they actually did a wide rollout of the latest version with how completely buggy it is.

    Thanks for the tip on the rollback plugin. I hate having old plugins installed (for security reasons) but it looks I have no choice at the moment. My site is completely broken and I don’t want to lose all of the meta data that I’ve created in Yoast…

    Update: WP Rollback is awesome! Solved all the bugs that kept popping up!

    this plugin is now a very Bulky piece of…. much like jetpack they put too much in it without cleaning up old code and have too many hands in the pot. getting greedy too. yoast seo just roll back to 2.3.5 and start new clean update that is quality tested over and over. wordpress should remove this crap plugin themselves. but they are part of the team/problem wordpress 4.4 is a piece of junk as well.

    This upgrade is unfortunate. I have a good number of client’s I manage plugin updates for asking me to revert to the old Version 2.3.5.

    The consensus from each has been, “…and don’t update the plugin until the Yoast people change back to the old layout and entry boxes.” That’s an exact quote from one.
    Others used a bit more aggressive wording…


    All our permalinks get wrong since version 3, this is a nightmare for all our editors. Big SEO losses with so many posts published wrong permalinks (based on first draft title)

    I now seriously consider getting rid of Yoast SEO once and for all ??

    Since I used WP Rollback to revert to version 2.3.5 I am having no issues at all. Yoast SEO is operating perfectly on all of my sites. I have certainly looked at changing my SEO plugin, but if all is ok and working, why change?

    Yes, I also rolled back to 2.3.5. However, draft post permalinks that have been screwed by version 3.x don’t revert to a normal behavior. They stay wrong. The permalink sticks to the original drafdt title (or no title at all), even when the draft post’s title is changed again.

    So even a rollback does not fix some issues created by version 3.x.

    Only completely new posts created after the rollback behave normally again.

    I was very lucky then. I rolled back within 24 hours, and before I created any new posts or had made any modifications, and had no posts in draft. Sorry to hear of your problems. Looks like you’ll have to manually re-publish all those affected posts.

    Is anyone going to try a different SEO plugin? If so, which one is similar/good? I have heard of All-in-one SEO.

    I’ve switched to AIOSEO. I’m also hearing good things about The SEO Framework

    I went back to basic using a plugin that just gives me the fields needed to fill in title and description and a few other things.

    With basis in the Yoast situation I have concluded that this area of making websites is too important to having it based on something out of my hands.

    I could probably live with this but, my problem is when I compose the snippet excerpt. When the window is big enough for me to actually read it, it does not tell me how many characters I am over the limit. Then it reverts to something like 2pt. type and while it does indicate the characters over the allowance … I can’t read the s.o.b. and I can’t even figure out how to get it back to the larger type:(

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