01- French
02- French
03- No
04 Chrome Version 70.0.3538.67 (Build officiel) (64 bits), WordPress version 4.9.8 and Yoast SEO 8.4.
05- Windows 10
06- Creating a Post
07- Of course !!
08- New content
09- I’ve been using the Spacious theme for over two years.
10- No
Before you do the update of Chrome, yesterday, 0 problem.
-I wrote a post on October 17, everything was good.
-Chrome Update, on October 19, in the afternoon, I start at a post in the afternoon and the problem arrives, I refresh the page, the article comes back, I save in draft, return the error message.
On Firefox everything works, no problem, there I disabled “readability analysis”, weird I reactivated the function to copy/paste Kodeks 0177 and no error message.