Hi there, well i try to tell you all as best as possible!
1) The repeat is working
Unfortunately we are in testmode and unable to open the page as we have to impirt every datas from the old website manually (thousnads of pages).
2) I created an Event with repeat every year for May 30th (witout limit, ends never) for the whole day (no time window, just the full day and only this specific one day).
So what is not working properly is the view in the Full Calendar, alway when i go to the calendar it shows this specific Event for the next 3 years (until 2021) in the list view after that the list shows the upcoming Events with dates after 30th May 2019, starting with June, from there on all is showing correctly. But always when i reload the page it start to show the Event 30th May in the list from 2019, the 2020 then 2021 and after that again the dates starting from June 2019….