This is a very specific use case @paulryken .
You can use this into your child theme’s functions.php or Code Snippets plugin.
add_shortcode('specialdate', 'dmyip_rmd_specialdate');
function dmyip_rmd_specialdate($atts) {
// Set default attributes and merge with user input
$attributes = shortcode_atts(array(
'floor_date' => 'today',
'ceiling_date' => 'last sunday of january next year'
), $atts);
// Parse the floor date using strtotime
$floor_date = strtotime($attributes['floor_date']);
if (!$floor_date) {
return ''; // Clear any error messages
// Parse the ceiling date using strtotime
$ceiling_date = strtotime($attributes['ceiling_date']);
if (!$ceiling_date) {
return ''; // Clear any error messages
// Calculate the ceiling date next year
$ceiling_date_next_year = strtotime('+1 year', $floor_date);
// Get today's date
$today = time();
// Determine if today's date is between the floor date and the ceiling date next year
if ($today >= $floor_date && $today <= $ceiling_date_next_year) {
// Format the ceiling date with day, month, and year
$display_date = date_i18n('j F Y', $ceiling_date);
return esc_html($display_date);
return '';
add_shortcode('specialyear', 'dmyip_rmd_specialyear');
function dmyip_rmd_specialyear($atts) {
// Set default attributes and merge with user input
$attributes = shortcode_atts(array(
'floor_date' => 'today',
'ceiling_date' => 'last sunday of january next year'
), $atts);
// Parse the floor date using strtotime
$floor_date = strtotime($attributes['floor_date']);
if (!$floor_date) {
return ''; // Clear any error messages
// Parse the ceiling date using strtotime
$ceiling_date = strtotime($attributes['ceiling_date']);
if (!$ceiling_date) {
return ''; // Clear any error messages
// Calculate the ceiling date next year
$ceiling_date_next_year = strtotime('+1 year', $floor_date);
// Get today's date
$today = time();
// Determine if today's date is between the floor date and the ceiling date next year
if ($today >= $floor_date && $today <= $ceiling_date_next_year) {
// Format the ceiling date to show just the year
$display_year = date_i18n('Y', $ceiling_date);
return esc_html($display_year);
return '';
It has two components.
[specialdate ceiling_date="last sunday of january next year"]
will show the full date like 28 January 2025.
[specialyear ceiling_date="last sunday of january next year"]
will just show 2025.
In the ceiling_date argument you can ask for dates in natural language.
Let me know if this works.
I will be adding this to the plugin as well but only after someone else asks for it.