ye olde 'database tables are unavailable' on fresh install
I’m reading Debugging a WP Network and think i need to check the correct database tables were created when installing MultiSite and that .htaccess is not giving errors. How do I actually access my database and view it? Do I login to my host and use MySQL/PHP, or do I use Filezilla?
I have read Database Description in the codex but that is all about the database and not how to check/view/edit it.
Also, if my site is installed to /public_html/ do I need to update wp-config database location from ‘/’ to ‘/public_html/’ ?
Thanks for any help…
I just moved my domain to a new host and installed a fresh copy of wordpress successfully so I could add MultiSite.I made a new user, added a test post ok, and enabled pretty permalinks to check if mod_rewrite was likely enabled by my host. I allowed MultiSite ok, and then followed the instructions to edit wp-config and .htaccess to install. After refreshing my browser I got a database error message and couldn’t login.
I tried adding the Options FollowSymLinks code to wp-config, but this gave me a different ‘database unavailable’ error message, so I removed it again. I added ‘WP allow repair’ too but didnt use it yet as I don’t want to lock the database if it is not going to help.
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