• koctpomehb


    I found yacaptcha plugin, thaks alot for a product!! It’s
    perfect. Not too hard for the machine and it is generating local. It’s
    very nice.

    I’m trying to make my own blog with wordpress, everything works perfect, but i found an interesent thig, that when i’m typing a wrong captcha text – it appears a mistake message, but the comment is being written to the site. I’ve tryed to google about this, but there is no chance to find an answer. =(

    I’m using Gentoo with
    Apache 2.2.14 (uses: apache2_modules_action s apache2_modules_alias apache2_modules_auth_basic apache2_modules_authn_alias a pache2_modules_authn_anon apache2_modules_authn_dbm apache2_modules_authn_defaul t apache2_modules_authn_file apache2_modules_authz_dbm apache2_modules_authz_def ault apache2_modules_authz_groupfile apache2_modules_authz_host apache2_modules_ authz_owner apache2_modules_authz_user apache2_modules_autoindex apache2_modules _cache apache2_modules_dav apache2_modules_dav_fs apache2_modules_dav_lock apach e2_modules_deflate apache2_modules_dir apache2_modules_disk_cache apache2_module s_env apache2_modules_expires apache2_modules_ext_filter apache2_modules_file_ca che apache2_modules_filter apache2_modules_headers apache2_modules_include apach e2_modules_info apache2_modules_log_config apache2_modules_logio apache2_modules _mem_cache apache2_modules_mime apache2_modules_mime_magic apache2_modules_negot iation apache2_modules_rewrite apache2_modules_setenvif apache2_modules_speling apache2_modules_status apache2_modules_unique_id apache2_modules_userdir apache2 _modules_usertrack apache2_modules_vhost_alias ldap ssl),

    PHP 5.2.12 (uses: apache2 berkdb cgi curl dbase ftp gd gdbm imap ldap mysql pcre session ssl unicode xml zlib)

    mysql 5.0.84 (uses:berkdb community ssl)

    I think i have to tell, that it tooked a long time, before yacaptcha showed me any picture: there was a problem with session_start function. At least i installed pear (PEAR – PHP Extension and Application Repository) application, and i’ve became a picture. But now, when i type a wrong text in a captcha field, i see a message, that “Characters do not match what is shown in the image. Please retry.”, but comment is accepted. I’ve cheked “do_action(’comment_form’, $post->ID)” – it is standing right before </form> in comment.php. Can you help me, please, where i have to start looking an answer for this bug? In php code, or i’ve done something wrong with php-installation? What i have to install more?

    If you need to look at this bug, you can find in here: https://luinil.ru But it’s in Russian language.

    Thanks alot!!

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