xProfile content not exporting
I am experiencing the same problem as others.
When I export Buddypress xProfile fields, it does not work, the BP fields are empty. The Field title is exported, but not the content.I have tried deactivating all plugins, but this doesn’t help.
Thank you. That would be great if it could be fixed! We have a big project coming up starting the 1st of the year and your plug-in is a must for it!
I look forward to the updates!
We’ve run many tests and cannot replicate this same problem.
@james Jams – If you try the latest release and still see these issues you will need to find a way for us to test your installation and set-up to locate the problem.
I am glad to hear you are back on the case! What versions of wordpress/buddypress are you guys working with so I can be sure I are aligned. I am at…
WordPress 4.3.2
Buddypress 2.4.0
Export User Data 1.2.5We have several different configurations – but in general they are all using the latest versions and this is really the only combination that we can work against:
WP: 4.4.1
BP: 2.4.3
EUD: 1.2.7I just updated to your new version of exporter and it still is not working.
I will talk to him about giving you access to our site to see if you can replicate the issue.
Also I will talk to my web admin about updating buddypress, and possibly wordress as well to mimic your setup with hopes it will work. What do you think?
@james Jams – as I said, we can only really try to help to get this working on the latest versions of all 3 elements – if not, we end-up trying to support too many variations of each.
It seems I’m having the same issue as others. Most fields are outputting, it seems I’m having issues with more of select(dropdown) fields and checkbox fields. For instance I have a field asking about a range. So one dropdown says (0-1,000), (1,000-5,000), etc. None of those export.
It should not matter about how the values are presented – in the admin or on the front-end of the site – what is important to know is how those values are stored in the database.
The exception to this might be if those fields are built using BuddyPress – in which case we rely on BP to return this data.
Please clarify and if possible try to locate one example of each field in the database and post the values, exactly as they are stored there.
I am using Buddy Press Profile Fields. In mysql db it shows:
@wahhadesign – is that the only field you are trying to export for BP – if not, can you see other data from other BP fields in exports?
Do you see errors in your PHP error log that relate directly to the EUD plugin or BuddyPress when you run exports?
hey Studio. I updated all 3 plug-ins to the same version you are on, and still it doesn’t work. Hmmmmmf!
I would like to give you access to our backend like you asked so you can give it a shot, but I do not want to post it on here. How can I get you this info? Thanks!
Does you hosting provide you with a staging site or can they clone your live install so that we can access that?
@james-jams Please do not permit anyone to log into a site, staging or otherwise.
Please hold while I use the form letter regarding login access.
@qlstudio I’ve deleted your offer to login to your user’s staging site. I’m am 100% sure you mean well but please never ask for credentials on these forums.
Now for the why: The internet is a wonderful place full of very nice people and a few very bad ones. I’m sure everyone here is very nice however, by giving some ones keys to your house you are trusting they wont steal anything. Likewise the person who takes the keys is now responsible for the house FOREVER.
If something was to go wrong, then you the author may well legally become liable for damages, which they would not normally have been as their software is provided without warranty.
Please be aware that repeatedly asking for credentials will result in us asking you to repeatedly stop before escalating up to the plugins team.
Again, I know you are trying to solve your user’s problem and that’s cool. But please do not suggest an offer like that again.
@jan Dembowski – I see your point, but this kind of kills any ways to resolve this ticket here in the forums – given the amount of time we’ve already invested to try and help this one user, perhaps that’s a shame.
That said – @james Jams – @jan has a point – this issue clearly can’t be resolved here in these forums, so you will need to contract a PHP developer who you know and trust in order to resolve this issue in a secure way.
If you do take that step and find a solution which helps you, please remember that WordPress is a community and return any updates in a way that will benefit other users.
@jan Dembowski – thank you for your concern, but we have done our research and consulted our overly precocious and secure web admins, and using a staging site for something like this is more than ok.
I think it is SUPER nice what qstudio has done by offering this unique support. The have seen me struggling with this issue for months and have decided to go above and beyond normal support of developer to help and I do not think you discourage this type of behavior. Of course there are big bad people on the internet, everyone knows that, but I think the tech savvy users of wordpress are just a bit more “in the know” on internet scams than someone like my grandmother might be. So as for your concern, thanks but no thanks..
Thanks for your feedback. Yes, it’s nice and appreciated. It’s also not allowed here regardless of your comfort level or how technically savvy you may be.
I’m glad that the plugin author recognized that. My comment was not a mark against him in the slightest.
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