Hello Eva,
this is nice, but unusable for Heureka feeds.
This is not the way, how Heureka works.
It seems, Heureka feed definition is too complicated.
As you can see here (in czech):
and here:
there are many many param names defined.
And in this list are required param only. There are many other, that are not defined anywhere.
And all the param names are in czech language.
So “VOLUME” or “COLOR” is not usable. It shoult be “Objem” and “Barva”.
Because Heureka is czech provider only and this param names are directly displayed/matched.
Until the user of Xml Feed Pro can enter the correct PARAM name manualy, this functionality will not be usefull.
Selection of PARAM NAME from a combobox is not possible!!
I repeat: There are hunderts of param names and they are not fix predefined anywhere. Only a few of them are listed.
The user can even enter his own param name and the Heureka provider may use it for products.
So I repeat the requirement again:
All what is needed for this functionality is:
1. The possibility to enter part of XML code in Prefix and in Suffix.
This prefix and suffix will contain the XML code with param name.
Now is XML code converted to plaintext and printed in XML feed as text. So it is needed to disable to create escape characters for XML formatting like <>
2. The possibility to create multiple feed attributes with the same name PARAM.
To define all Heureka param names is not the right way. They are too many and can be extended by the product provider any time.
Best regards