Nope. While we are not sure what: https://www.computerblog.ro/sitemap_posts220.xml is as the Yoast sitemaps appear here: https://www.computerblog.ro/sitemap_index.xml (and you have 6 post-sitemaps) we do know having lots of Yoast-created sitemaps is not expected to hurt SEO.
However, we looked at this recent post: https://www.computerblog.ro/stiri/record-de-vanzari-pentru-playstation-4-2.html and we see it appearing on https://www.computerblog.ro/post-sitemap6.xml (at the bottom) yet we are not seeing it in Google.
We suggest three actions:
1. Confirm no errors appear in your Google Search Console for your sitemaps. If you have errors please describe them.
2. Can you confirm if you use Fetch as Googlebot that the issue is resolved? This will force Google to update the index. You may need to use it several times. This guide explains more:?https://kb.yoast.com/kb/fetch-as-googlebot/.
3. We suggest having the default robots.txt rules, as if Google needs to access resources in those files certain disallow rules prevent Google from doing so. This means Google does not have all the information to understand and then index the page.?This guide explains more:?https://yoast.com/wordpress-robots-txt-example/ and this guide explains how to edit the robots.txt:?https://kb.yoast.com/kb/how-to-edit-robots-txt-through-yoast-seo/.
You can use the defaults below
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php