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  • jesseslam, Your xml sitemaps looks different from yoast seo sitemap. which sitemap u r using..

    Thread Starter jesseslam


    This is the Yoast SEO sitemap and the whole issue when I switch back to PHP 5.6 it reverts back to how it should look more like this Would be great to start using PHP 7 but this issue is stopping me from switching.

    i’ve no problem php7 with YOAST Sitemap (PHPINFO) (SITEMAP)
    i’m using Nginx here my rules for yoast sitemap

    # Yoast sitemap
    location ~ ([^/]*)sitemap(.*)\.x(m|s)l$ {
      rewrite ^/sitemap\.xml$ /sitemap_index.xml permanent;
      rewrite ^/([a-z]+)?-?sitemap\.xsl$ /index.php?xsl=$1 last;
      # Rules for yoast sitemap with wp|wpsubdir|wpsubdomain
      rewrite ^.*/sitemap_index\.xml$ /index.php?sitemap=1 last;
      rewrite ^.*/([^/]+?)-sitemap([0-9]+)?\.xml$ /index.php?sitemap=$1&sitemap_n=$$
      # Following lines are options. Needed for WordPress seo addons
      rewrite ^/news_sitemap\.xml$ /index.php?sitemap=wpseo_news last;
      rewrite ^/locations\.kml$ /index.php?sitemap=wpseo_local_kml last;
      rewrite ^/geo_sitemap\.xml$ /index.php?sitemap=wpseo_local last;
      rewrite ^/video-sitemap\.xsl$ /index.php?xsl=video last;
      access_log off;

    Thread Starter jesseslam



    I’m using Apache maybe that’s the issue does anyone know of any way to fix this on Apache?


    I may be out of my depth here, but have your tried re-saving your permalinks? I have issues in the past with similar and the fix was always to resave the permalinks.

    Yoast says it’s caused by poorly coded themes. I can’t argue that one way or the other, but

    I may be out of my depth here, but have your tried re-saving your permalinks? I have had issues in the past with similar and the fix was always to resave the permalinks.

    Yoast says it’s caused by poorly coded themes. I can’t argue that one way or the other, but this little trick seems to work consistently.

    Hello Jesseslam,

    I also face same problem in few months ago but i solved.

    1. Save your permalinks

    2. Check whether if Jetpack install sitemap functionality Deactivate these option. Because two sitemaps running in same path.

    3. Check other sitemap if activate then Delete it & also clear all cache.


    Thread Starter jesseslam



    Thanks for the suggestions tried re-saving the permalinks but it still looks the same and I have no other site map plugins installed or Jetpack.

    I have just checked Webmaster Tools and Google has in fact crawled the website using the sitemap and it’s showing no errors so I guess even though the links aren’t active in the sitemap index that doesn’t matter this was my main concern so I guess all is OK.



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