• Hi, i would like to know if it’s possible to add a function to write also a sitemap for mobile devices according with google sitemap protocol or a simple sitemap.txt file which contains the urls list. I read here
    and i tried to use existing sitemap that your plugin generates as option but using sitemap_gen.py it returns me an error because tag “sitemap” there isn’t in it’s code and it is unrecognized so i’m able only to use one of the following 4 solutions:
    *URL —list individual URLs in this section of the configuration file, along with information about each URL. You would generally use this method in conjunction with another method to manually include additional URLs that other methods wouldn’t pick up.

    *URL list —point the configuration file to a text file that contains a list of URLs. You might want to use this method if this text file already exists or if you use a script to generate a list of URLs.

    *Directory paths —specify the directory paths for your site and corresponding URLs to those paths. The Sitemap Generator will create a list of URLs based on the contents of those directories. You might want to use this method if your site consists of static HTML files.

    *Access logs —point to the path to your log files. The Sitemap Generator will create a list of URLs based on the URLs included in the logs. You might want to use this method if your site consists of dynamic pages.

    [ DOESN’T FUNCTION * Sitemap —point to existing Sitemaps that you have created with the Sitemap Generator. The Sitemap Generator will create a single Sitemap that includes the URLs contained in each Sitemap. You could use this method if you have already created several smaller Sitemaps that you want to combine into one larger Sitemap. ]

    I don’t know if i have been able to make me undesrtood well but i did my best. I would like use google sitemap generator to make my mobile sitemap with the option i wrote above in bold. Instead if you will add the function to your plugin, i’ll use only it ??

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