• I’m getting an error message when i try to view my rss files and this is causing some webblog bots to not understand my site. Here’s the error message:
    XML Parsing Error: xml processing instruction not at start of external entity
    Location: https://chenu.uni.cc/wp-rss2.php
    Line Number 1, Column 2: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
    This come in the news and comments rss files.

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  • Cross-correlating/posting a few other threads in case it helps; I note that ALL are left at a dead end HELP!

    Broken RSS feeds and XML errors

    Tags do not update Technorati

    RSS feed still not working

    Yahoo RSS failure

    XML Parsing Error: xml processing instruction not

    I was able to get rid of the two blank lines at the beginning of my rss feed by un-editing my functions.php file. I had manually editted this to accomodate the new widgets feature and this introduced the error that i had.

    I have a solution that worked for me, primarily involving some single-quote to double-quote conversion in the file wp-rss2.php, for which I have posted the old/new file comparison here on my blog. I am cross-posting this to a total of 5 different threads here on the WordPress support forum, mainly out of a desire to help those whom I know must have also been going crazy with this or similar problems. Many thanks for sticking with it!



    I tried meisenstadt’s solution, but it didn’t work. I also disabled all my plugins, but still nothing. Anyone have an idea on what is happening? I didn’t touch anything…

    I just wanted to let anyone know just in case…I had the same problem and just started deactivating a plugin and then checking the feed, and it it didn’t change I would reactivate it….

    I found that the category cloud plugin was the one that had the problem. I reactivated it to go and edit it, but the feed started working again! not sure why but it’s fine with me.

    I will probably check the feed every once in a while to make sure everything is cool.

    well for some reason my problem came back…so instead of deactivating all my plugins, I went to the plugin editor and looked for any weird spaces….I found that my TagCloud.php plugin had a whole bunch of stuff at the top….all is better now…so just look for weird stuff before the <?php or after the ?>


    one potential cause of this is whitespace at the end of wp-config.php

    edit this file and delete any whitespace from beyond the ?>

    THANK YOU!!!

    I fixed mine by deleting the white space beyond the ?> in the wp-config.php file.

    This was after trying everything with all of my plugins to no avail.

    check also your index.php file at your root folder or any php you’ve edited recently

    the whitespace in the index.php was messing with my feed

    validating helps: https://feedvalidator.org/

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