XML import from back end fails at period..
Not sure what happened up there but here it is again.
[CDATA[Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of thier country <base href=”https://www.sanmateorealestateblog.com/”>
<p style=”text-align: center”><img class=”aligncenter size-medium wp-image-286″ src=”https://sanmateocountyrealestate.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/trash.jpg?w=300″ alt=”” width=”300″ height=”224″ /></p>
<p>1. Work with the listing agent. Although this is legal, I don’t see how the listing agent – whose first obligation and their legal one is due to theAbove is an example of the content… that is failing..
The content going to the web page is the image just fine and the txt up to the first period.
1.Now I can remove the period following the 1 and I get..
1 Work with the listing agent.So as you can see above I added some content like “Now is the time. and here is what I get..
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of thier country.Then I remove the period follwing their county. and here is what I get.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of thier country
1.I have put the text into a view non printing characters and in some cases following the period I could see the A with a little caret above the a which is the asc code of 194.. so I wrote a little routing to strip that 194 asc character but did not help…
I have spend a ton of time on this does anyone have any suggestions to help me with this.. or can I run some tests to provide more information.
replace period with maybe coded version for period: & # 4 6 ;
no spacesIs that semicolon on the end required..
. on my way to try this..
& # 4 6 ;
Thanks…Using autoit i did this..
$tmp = StringReplace($tmp, “.”, ‘.’)and ended up looking like this.. but stopped at period.. like this -> 1.
<p>1.? Work with the listing agent.? AlthoughDamnest thing i have ever seen…
Actually I see it changed my code to a period but here is what I used between the second quote.. now with spaces extra to see..
“# 4 6 ; ”Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of thier country
1XLooks like the stopper is a character immediately following the period. since I replaced all periods with the X and it stopped dead same.. so not the period its an invisible character following the periods… when I ran the replace 194 it removed that which was an A with a caret over it.. a non printable character.. but the view non printable does not show anything…
Stops at the X which is normally a period.. see second X following agentX
<p>1X? Work with the listing agentX? Although this is legal, I don’t see how the listing agent – who
60 112 62 49 88 160 32 87 111 114 107 32 119 105 116 104 32 116 104 101 32 108 105Here is the Asc run.. it stops after the X which would normally be a period with a return..
60 = <
112 = p
62 = >
49 = X
So there remains an 88 and a 160 before the space which is 32.
So maybe I need to replace that 88 and 160 with a 32 32 for two spaces following the period… on way to look up 88 and 160 to see what the hell they are… dont’ recognize either one… but they are sure not 194 which I removed.Correction
60 = <
112 = p
62 = >
49 = 1
88 = X
So the only crazy number is the 160 and I can see it equates the the lower case a with the caret above.. so I will try subbing the 160 with a ” blank.. and see what happens…Thanks WDC for getting me going again… I just had to search and replace the asc 160 on the fly… have no idea how it was getting in but been working on it two days… I am aggravated by the fact that a 160 will not show up when looking at non printing characters..
All is well now..
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