• I checked my website with W3C and got a lot of errors and 7 warnings that I’m actually not able to resolve, because I don’t know where to go and how to change ??

    In the following an example:

    # Error Line 143, Column 10: ID “seolinx-tooltip” already defined

    <div id=”seolinx-tooltip” style=”border: 1px solid #000000; display: none; marg…


    An “id” is a unique identifier. Each time this attribute is used in a document it must have a different value. If you are using this attribute as a hook for style sheets it may be more appropriate to use classes (which group elements) than id (which are used to identify exactly one element).

    I have the complete report. So may be once I understand where to go and how to change, I can resolve the problem. The ‘ID’ error appears very, very often on different lines…

    By the way I uploaded Adsense Grey from Dosh Dosh.


    Thanks a million for your help just in advance.

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  • You need to work through your themes template files – correcting the code in each file as appropriate. Have some understanding of the template heirarchy should help to identify which template file to work on in each case.

    Thread Starter theconv7


    Thanks for your answer, but

    ID “seolinx-tooltip”

    has to be s.th. with the default theme? I don’t understand the description. Sorry that I’m so stupid.

    If you are using this attribute as a hook for style sheets it may be more appropriate to use classes (which group elements) than id (which are used to identify exactly one element).

    I’m unable to identify where I’ll see the script not in html.

    So, what kind of group?
    Which element?

    I didn’t do anything with the style sheet as I use it as given.

    As far as I understand, every html or css script has a ‘non html’ output which is or the design, or the text or the alignment, or the colour etc.

    This “seolinks tooltips” to what does it refer? I have no clue because it seems to be at several places.

    A part from the technical site I first of all have to understand the meaning.

    Thanks again!

    basically, <div id="seolinx-tooltip" or any <div id=

    can only appear on a page once. Anywhere in your html output, an ID can only appear once….

    now <div class="seolinx-tooltip" can appear on a page multiple times

    IDs only once, classes mutiple times

    whether that ID is coming from a plugin, or in your theme somewhere you need to find out

    if its the theme, its an easy fix

    in the theme change <div id="seolinx-tooltip" to <div class="seolinx-tooltip"

    then in your style.css change
    #seolinx-tooltip to .seolinx-tooltip

    if its a plugin, it ain’t so easy to fix…. use a different plugin I guess

    Thread Starter theconv7


    HI Rev. Voodoo – Thanks for your kind reply and the patience with me…

    Fact is that in the meantime I found the complete script by pressing ‘ctrl U’. Here thanks to copy and paste I can also correct it, but, how do I replace the doc? I have to upload it, but where?

    Thanks again for your help.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter theconv7


    I resolved my earlier question ?? I’ll be able to correct it and reload it.

    It remains, even when I cancel/delete the Plugin which I supposed to create this problem – the problem remains.

    So, I uploaded ‘GoCodes’ which I also use on another side and I received this message:

    Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /home2/theconv7/public_html/financial-freedom/wp-includes/classes.php on line 324

    And also the writing of the Blogs Title was/is wrong. I running crazy on being unable to fix these problems.

    May be someone out there can give me some help and answer.

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