Well, what I did actually was, just download this:
Where I have put mine at, is here:
C:\Program Files\
You can find your way there by clicking on “My Computer” icon on the desktop or in the start menu, depending on what Operating System you’re using. Then click on the “C:” drive icon thing, then put that xampplite-win32-1.5.1.exe
in the “Programs” folder, like I did with mine.
Click on the xampplite-win32-1.5.1.exe to “un-inzip, un-pack” or whatever. Then follow all those “steps” in the read me txt file. =)
As for my main site, I had all the (.htm files, image folder and javascript) stuff, right in the one folder called “mainsite”. So when I called it up in the browser, it was like this: https://localhost/mainsite/
And it showed up like it’s supposed to. ?? For the blog, I put it in it’s own folder, say “wordpress” and called it up at: https://localhost/wordpress/
I put those two folders, “wordpress” and “mainsite” right inside the “htdocs” folder inside here:
C:\Program Files\xampplite\htdocs\
But have them as separate folders. So you’ll see the “fonts” folder, “restricted” folder, “xammp” folder, other files, images and stuff, and your own two folders in there.
Once you install the Xammp and stuff, and hopefully get the mysql, and apache running, just open up any browser, and type in the url bar: https://localhost/
And click go, you should get an example page and stuff, letting you know, everything is running.
Then just call up your own stuff, in the browser the same way, like: https://localhost/”your-wordpress-folder-name”
I hope this helps hehe. =)
I’m not sure if the mods want me to use the actual urls for the localhost examples, they can change it all if they want then hehe. ?? =)