• Resolved billyg


    Hi. I just downloaded, installed and have the Apache & mysql services running on my box but even though I am looking at the ID & PW in the WinMySQLadmin .ini file (that came with XAMPP), those are not working for me when trying to login to phpMyAdmin as discussed 3/4’s of the way down this page:

    I have been to their homesite (https://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php) as well as to Sourceforge for questions but have never heard back from either one of them. Surely there is an easy way to get into phpMyAdmin that I’m just not aware of, can someone help me out here? TIA.

    Oh yeah, I haven’t heard back from the XAMPP people either so 3 strikes, I’m out lol.

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  • Well, enjoy your sushi! But you don’t have to do anything with tables, wp does that itself during install….

    Thread Starter billyg


    too much sushi lol

    went to apply your changes to the httpd.conf and they were already set correctly on lines 42 & 176 but that did remind me to make the change that podz mentions in his last panel on the tamba site (see above) while I’m here (thx podz, I did read those bottom panels, over & over again lol).

    fyi: my XAMPP 2.1 as of today (although their README version below needs to be updated apparently) and this is the full package, misleading cause basic means not LITE, their other package, but then they have a add-ons package also, which adds Perl components.

    ApacheFriends XAMPP (basic package) version 1.5.1

    + Apache 2.2.0
    + MySQL 5.0.18
    + PHP 5.1.1 + PHP 4.4.1-pl1 + PEAR
    + eAccelerator 0.9.4-rc1
    + PHP-Switch win32 1.0 (from Apachefriends, use the “php-switch.bat”)
    + XAMPP Control Version 2.1 from https://www.nat32.com
    + XAMPP Security 1.0
    + SQLite 2.8.15
    + OpenSSL 0.9.8a
    + phpMyAdmin 2.7.0 pl1
    + ADOdb 4.68
    + FPDF 1.5.3
    + Mercury Mail Transport System v4.01b
    + FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.11
    + Webalizer 2.01-10
    + Zend Optimizer 2.6.0

    good thing is, the first 3 items are very current as of my individual downloads just yesterday ??

    okay, changes made, images folder brought into the htdocs folder along with an index.html for a non-WP site I have, so now, somehow WP creates the tables?? this is where I get lost, wish me luck, will post back…

    Thread Starter billyg


    E:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\WP\wp-admin\install.php tweaked for the install to https://localhost/Program%20Files/xampp/htdocs/WP/wp-admin/install.php didn’t work (%20 happened after hitting <enter>), yes Apache is running, gonna reboot for giggles and look at the MySQL & PHP settings

    Thread Starter billyg


    As usual, going back, reading what Moshu said earlier, and doing https://localhost/wp/wp-admin/install.php, worked… well almost. I had to install the MySQL ODBC Connector file from Microsoft that I already had from my MySQL escapades 2 days ago, add some ports to the Windows FW, and several XAMPP FAQ setting tweaks but that was the correct URL, thx again Moshu). I am finally seeing the WP screen but it’s telling me I’m not connected to the db. This is with using the default settings as per the tamba site:

    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘wordpress’);
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘root’);
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘PASSWORD’);
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

    My 3 XAMPP services are running, Apache, MySQL, & ftp so now I guess I need to investigate my db connection problem, just updating.

    define('DB_PASSWORD', '');


    Are you XP pro ?

    Thread Starter billyg


    no XP Home, I’ve been looking but haven’t seen anything saying I couldn’t use XAMPP with XP Home..

    but I just came back to let you know that, at least with the XAMPP full-package download as of today (version 2.1), using the last panel you have on the tamba site (to enable permalinks) definitely prevents Apache from starting

    I had it running, turned it off to make the file change, and it wouldn’t turn back on, I put the file back as orig, and Apache turned on. I went thru 3 uninstalls this morning taking away one tweak at a time before I finally got to this one just now. Not yelling or anything lol, just learning as I go.

    Unless I find a workaround for that, and the fact that I haven’t gotten pics to display that are on my own site (with an images folder inside htdocs also, just like WP), there really isn’t any reason for me to use this setup. I’m assuming others that are using it now do have permalinks and do display pics so I ‘ll keep messing with it. I did see in their FAQ a specific statement about pics earlier so now that I know what was causing Apache to not start again, I’ll try that tweak. (mid-way down this page: https://www.apachefriends.org/en/faq-xampp-windows.html)

    the problem is their forum is in French, even though they have an English section, I never recv’d an answer when registering for it and once you get past the front page of English questions, you get French answers, I don’t have time for French lessons lol

    Thread Starter billyg


    turns out any changes I make to the httpd.conf prevent Apache from starting back up (because I turn it off to edit the file first), sounds like I just wasted a bunch of hours for nothing

    just curious: I can see my non-WP site thru XAMPP because it is an index.html inside the htdocs folder (even though I don’t see the pics lol) and since I can plug in outside-world URL to display the site and the pics appear, I know that i am not affecting anything on the outside so what good is XAMPP for anyway? I know they recommend you don’t use it for production (which of course I was going to try to do anyway), but if it doesn’t push anything off my machine, what’s the use? I don’t know if I still don’t have something right with my box interacting with the XAMPP software or if it really never leaves anyway, can an XAMPP WP user please clear this up for me? TIA. Other than that, I’m done this thread.

    I use a local apache server for viewing site design in IE for one thing (I NEVER access the ‘net with IE, so local server is my only option).

    I also never “turn apache off” to edit httpd.conf. It’s enough to simply stop then restart apache once the edits are done.

    Thread Starter billyg


    maybe I’m just getting too tired, but I don’t understand your last…

    Does the first sentence mean you don’t push anything thru XAMPP to the web??

    Your second sentence, that’s what I mean, I was doing a stop, edit, and try to start but with the edits in place, it wouldn’t start back up, so I took the edits out, and then it Apache restarts when I hit the start button from the control panel. Are you saying you don’t stop it at all in the 2nd sentence? But then you say you stop it so I’m confused AND VERY TIRED LOL.

    If you could tell me whether or not any changes you make to your site go thru XAMPP to the web, that would really help. Basically, are you paying for a host (unless of course you have a sweet deal with one), or are you using a physical server of your own? I should’ve asked this in the beginning but I assumed that you act as your own host with XAMPP, but when I have Apache running and I see my site thru XAMPP (with the localhost or address), it is not the same as what is live on the net now (because the pics aren’t pulled in) so at that point, I had to ask myself what all this was for (unless I still don’t have something right). TIA. dazed and confused

    I’m a reseller for a great host provider. I run my management sites and my own sites on the reseller partition. No I don’t push anything “through XAMPP” to the web; I use WS_FTP Pro to upload to web space. I simply use apache locally to view pages with includes etc. which can’t be done without a server, and to run php programs locally while developing.

    As to editing httpd.conf, here’s my process: open file in notepad2; make changes, save file; stop apache; restart apache.

    There’s a thread around here somewhere in the last few days from a guy who is apparently doing what you thought you were doing. Let me see if I can find it; I’ll post back.

    Okay, look over this thread, it may have some further thoughts for you:


    I have and use xampp purely as a way to play with code on my machine. It IS possible to run your blog to the net using xampp but there are security issues you need to take care of first. There are also potential problems with any referencing of stylesheets / images.

    Thread Starter billyg


    that would be awesome!

    “what you thought you were doing” LOL EXACTLY

    pardon me if I don’t get back until this evening or so, I gotta crash, thx again.

    fwiw: I just can’t understand all the work that was put into this awesome package only to be used for a local version for testing, etc., my mind says there has to be more to it than that… out

    EDIT: yes podz, I found out about the images but my non-WP site is definitely grabbing the stylesheet from the htdocs folder that I put in it (but not the pics) but it is different than what I have live so…? I made several security edits, that’s what I was doing all morning, finding out what I could do and not do… i just haven’t found out yet how to push it thru to the net.

    got it V, thx again


    I have used XAMPP and WP running from my computer for six months, regularly updating both. I used the automatic installer for XAMPP, using all the default directories. It’s worked successfully all the time, and I’ve never had any troubles (apart from right now I’m offline for a week whilst I change ISP’s). I use dyndns.org for a domain name with my dynamic IP address, and to cloak transfer other domains for other web sites I run also. I’m not sure how I can be of any help to you, and how the thread you recently posted in is relevant, but I can tell you it all works well!

    I use SyndBack (free synchronisation software) to automatically backup my website(s) at regular intervals, which automatically stops the xampp/apache/mysql services whilst copying files, and reboots the computer when finished, so I’ve always got a backup copy at hand. Every couple weeks I transfer this backup to a portable hard drive in case of a power surge / theft, etc. Ideally I should store this drive off-site.

    All in all, I do recommend you run your blog off your computer like myself (providing you don’t mind running it 24/7), but as for the lack of security with XAMPP that’s something I’d like to find out more about. All I can tell you is it’s so much more convenient as a novice web programmer to be able to work on your site from your computer, without having to use FTP, and the hassle’s associated with using a web host provider.


    Thread Starter billyg


    Thanks so much for that post flammobammo. The funny thing is, I started off with XAMPP back in early Dec. and loved it but wanted the support I thought I was gonna get thru a hoster, and when Y! starting their program with WP, I fell for it hook-line-and-sinker, especially since I was already using them as my email host.

    Needless to say, I’ve had horrible experience with them and that is why I finally started looking back towards XAMPP but for some reason I’m not getting it setup like before.

    I’m pretty sure I used the Lite version the first time around and I know this time I opted for the Full version, maybe that’s the difference. I’ll give it another shot asap. Thanks for volunteering the backup info too, peace.

    If you could send me an email at bg7566atyahoo.com, I’m sure I may have a question for you down the road. I check that once a week or so so don’t feel like I’m ignoring you, tia.

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