• Why does the WYSIWYG editor in WordPress reformat and screw up my HTML in my posts?

    After writing the post, I find a typo, I go to Manage>edit and it takes out all my <p> tags and runs all my sentences together.

    I’ve been having to hack by using Dreamweaver as my editor and then having to cut and paste in code view. Its frustrating that I cannot trust my WordPress editor to edit it.

    I’m using Firefox 2 on both PC and Mac and Safari on Mac.

    What can I do?

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  • Sorry, the code actually become like this. Pasted the wrong Visual version earlier.
    <code><br /> If you can see this, your browser doesn't<br /> understand IFRAME. However, we'll still<br /> <A HREF="hello.html" mce_HREF="hello.html">link</A><br /> you to the file.<br /> </code>

    Using WPMU 1.5.1

    I still can’t believe this hasn’t been fixed yet. I’ve been racking my brain for over an hour trying to get this solved. I’ve even turned off the visual editor and it still ignores some of my coding. All the plugins I tried do not work with the newer 2.6.2. Looks like I will be reverting back to an older version that actually “works”.

    This is extremely silly. I’m all with Vizthink. We have the exact same issue here. I would be delighted if there was some solution.
    We also use opening and closing divs to call jQuery commands that sometimes get eaten up as well.
    Did anyone ever try this plugin and see if it has any effect on the issue?


    Read enough of the answers by support staff at WP and you will quickly get the idea that it doesn’t matter what you want things to work like – it’s what they think you should do.

    Just sayin.

    I’ve been hitting this problem too and the worse thing is I want to insert XHTML compliant flash code, but when swapping between the visual editor and html editor, it adds <embed> which isn’t XHTML compliant…

    I would like to see this fixed also.

    Here is my solution, Microsoft Live Writer

    I would actually disable the visual editor for current user in wordpress and get used to working in the code view environment in WordPress.

    Why? You will learn code and it will make things easier when you are tying to troubleshoot format issues, tweak themes ect. keeps you sharp, especially if you broke up with Dreamweaver and embraced WordPress press Like I did! (well not entirely)

    OK… Here is what I DO..

    • ? Cut code from post and Past Code into LIVE WRITER code View
    • ? switch to Edit view in Live Writer ( WYSIWYG )
    • ? Edit away! return will add a <p> before and </p> after each
      paragraph, you can easily add a rel nofollow and title for links, easily add alt title and text, etc plugins, add youtube video etc etc and NO I don’t work for microsoft!
    • ? Switch back to Code View
    • ? ctrl+a ? ctrl+x
    • ? go back to WordPress post and = ctrl+v
    • Oh yea.. Keep it simple

    Wordress and Microsoft Rock!

    M@ https://broadbeachaustralia.com

    The solution I found was the TinyMCE Vadid Elements plug-in: https://www.engfers.com/2008/11/06/new-wordpress-plugin-tinymce-valid-elements/
    This allows you to add the elements of code you DON’T want the editor to strip out. In my case it was the iframes tags. You just add these at the interface, along with any other tags that would appear within the iframes code, and PRESTO! you can flip between HTML view and Visual to your heart’s content.


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