• My brother said his HTML formatting was disappearing when he went to edit a post and it turns out I’ve got the exact same problem. Anyone having a problem with the rich text editor in 2.1 and some or all of the html just disappearing from a post?

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  • You can never put code (html or other) in the wysiwyg thing. You couldn’t do that even before 2.1.

    Thread Starter froman118


    Yes correct, what I meant to say then was that the wysiwyg editor loads briefly flashing the html code before it finishes loading, click over to the code tab and bam, no html to be found.

    This behavior is also occuring on new posts, I can put html manually into the code (just some breaks) tab over to the visual view then come back to the code tab and the html is gone.

    All my plugins are disabled and happens in both IE and FF. And HTML is preserved when the wysiwyg editor is turned off.

    Yeah, sorry, I just started a new thread about this. It seems to be broken. You can’t seem to switch from wysiwyg view and the new code view (formerly known as HTML).

    I think this is a legitimate bug.

    Thread Starter froman118


    Good to know I’m not the only one.

    No, you’re not. And this is going to cause me hassle because I like to go in and add all of my hyperlinks and such after I’ve written my post. I suppose I could do it all offline when I write my posts, but that will be a huge hassle. That would mean that I’d have to be able to drop my post in from an ascii text editor in the Code View. ugh… no bueno.

    I’ve noticed this too. What’s weird is that if I do “View source” for a post once it’s live the HTML is back in but it’s set up kind of wrong, like <p><strong>content</p></strong> which causes validation errors. I’m sure this will be a key 2.1.1 fix. I’m personally looking forward to it!


    You can never put code (html or other) in the wysiwyg thing. You couldn’t do that even before 2.1.

    Actually, I beg to differ on that; I dropped raw (div)s and Technorati tags into my wysiwyg editor in 2.0.x with almost every post, and they routinely worked (within the parameters of the engine). I used Firefox in Windows XP.

    This is correct, though, with 2.1; code in “code” only, not in wysiwyg.

    “This is correct, though, with 2.1; code in “code” only, not in wysiwyg.”

    And even then not really. Note the missing < p > tags.

    I’ve noticed that once you actually get it into the Code/HTML view, you can’t toggle back and forth, that is, “if” you can get it into Code/HTML view at all.

    Did anyone come up with a solution to the paragraph break issue? I made an image that shows what I’m seeing:


    Clearly there are no paragraph breaks in the code window. That is causing all sorts of validation issues and other problems. What’s up?

    This is giving me a ton of problems. I’ll copy and paste html code from my google docs, and it works fine. But if I ever want to go back and edit the post, all of the html markup disappears. I lose indents and breaks, but it saves the italics code. What gives?

    Thread Starter froman118


    buskerdog, that’s exactly what is happening with me, for now I’ve just turned off the editor and compose my posts in dreamweaver until things get straightened out.

    I’ll join the list as having this same problem across 4 blogs. Browser doesn’t seem to matter.

    Having the easy flip-flop between wysiwyg and code is fantabulous, but not having the previous versions code functionality is a bit of a drawback. I’m sure people far smarter than I are working on this, and I look forward to their solution.

    Seems like the same problem mentioned here

    The only way to avoid this bug for now seems to save your code in html mode at once by pushing “save” button. If you use “save and continue editing” or re-edit code on a post it can end up breaking it. Let’s hope some kind of patch shows up soon. I really like the new visual editor, specially after alt+shift+v.



    New version fix this?

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