• Resolved paulio



    [See end for support info]

    Customizr seems to have an issue with the current WP version that maifests as a broken wysiwyg editor on any custom fields (ACF) that require it when creating a new post.
    The issue goes away if I use any other theme.
    I have tried dropping back to the previous version of Customizr (I’m sure I allowed an update on it last week) but the issue persists.

    At about the same time I allowed the update to the latest version of WP.
    (Did not have this issue prior to last week)

    This is a huge issue for me as the site relies on the layout Customizr allows, and at the moment the only way I can create new posts is to swap themes, post, then swap back.
    Luckily the site isn’t live yet, but I was hoping to make it so this week.

    The error information given in the console is:

    post-new.php:3305 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addStyle' of undefined
    (anonymous function)	@	post-new.php:3305
    i	@	wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4401-20160726:9
    fire	@	wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4401-20160726:9
    initContentBody	@	wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4401-20160726:12
    init	@	wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4401-20160726:12
    (anonymous function)	@	wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4401-20160726:12
    (anonymous function)	@	wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4401-20160726:5
    n	@	wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4401-20160726:4
    p	@	wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4401-20160726:5
    loadScripts	@	wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4401-20160726:5
    loadQueue	@	wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4401-20160726:5
    t	@	wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4401-20160726:12
    render	@	wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4401-20160726:12
    execCommand	@	wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4401-20160726:13
    init	@	input.min.js?ver=4.4.8:2
    (anonymous function)	@	input.min.js?ver=4.4.8:2
    each	@	load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mo…:2
    each	@	load-scripts.php?c=1&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mo…:2
    (anonymous function)	@	input.min.js?ver=4.4.8:2
    I have seen someone else reporting this issue. Do you have any idea of the cause yet please?
    (Please don't just 'referred to developers' this one)
    Many thanks,
    <strong>Required setup info:</strong>
    # SITE_URL:                 https://intranet2.tiaa.co.uk
    # HOME_URL:                 https://intranet2.tiaa.co.uk
    # IS MULTISITE :            No
    # THEME | VERSION :         customizr | v3.4.21# WP VERSION :              4.6
    # PERMALINK STRUCTURE :     /%postname%/
    Active Directory Integration: 1.1.8
    Advanced Custom Fields: 4.4.8
    Advanced Custom Fields: Categories:
    All-in-One Event Calendar by Time.ly: 2.5.10
    bbPress: 2.5.10
    Bookly Lite: 7.6.1
    BuddyPress: 2.6.2
    Collapsing category list: 0.4.1
    Custom Menu Wizard: 3.3.0
    Display Widgets: 2.05
    Invite Anyone: 1.3.11
    Posts Table Pro: 1.2.1
    Restrict Author Posting: 2.1.4
    SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle: 1.6.5
    Wp Mail Bank: 1.45
    PHP Version:              5.6.19
    MySQL Version:            5.6.29
    Web Server Info:          Apache
    WordPress Memory Limit:   40MB
    PHP Safe Mode:            No
    PHP Memory Limit:         256M
    PHP Upload Max Size:      40M
    PHP Post Max Size:        40M
    PHP Upload Max Filesize:  40M
    PHP Time Limit:           120
    PHP Max Input Vars:       1000
    PHP Arg Separator:        &
    PHP Allow URL File Open:  Yes
    WP_DEBUG:                 Disabled
    Show On Front:            page
    Page On Front:            TIAA Intranet Homepage (#5)
    Page For Posts:            (#0)

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